Fuck LP's...BOYCOTT their plan and their greed. Don't be their captured wallet.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Don't be a knee dropper...look what they are trying to do...make you their gravy train...ya gonna goes that route of slavery and servitude? C'mon man.....stay the course and stay proud of your actions.
Not to mention they grow for cheap and rip you off.......dirty greedy drunks.
Most of these companies are run by those who'd jail you 2 years ago but now see you money and feel bad they didn't invoice you instead.
If your comfortable buying from those who would of fucked you in the ass before, but now see your money and embrace you, you need to be ashamed.
Stop shaking hands with your X enemy. Buy elsewhere and fail the big LP's...favor the little guy.
Spread this message on to decent people or you'll be a shoppers drug mart drone buyer...they are waiting for you. Already wringing their hands in delight.


Well-Known Member
why would anyone buy their weed when they can grow it for themselves...!!

Anyone can grow weed for meds or what have you.
Its cheap
Awesome meds
Non addictive
Works wonders!
replaces opiods.
keeps addicts from using
Stops drunk from drinking.

So...why is this stuff bad again? because it takes away all the money making deals our government has in place to make billions and that deal is what has them where they are now!! on the attack of regular people to gain control of something they shouldn't have control over because IT CANT HURT OR KILL ANYONE and THATS PROVEN!!! but it certainly helps more than most, if not ALL Pharmaceuticals when it can.
This one KEY POINT is what will clinch this deal..
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The Hippy

Well-Known Member
In order to save the children ...they need to arrest the parents...sorry for the inconvenience folks