Geometric shape refresher as well as good flower pot site


Active Member
Was sitting there figuring out the volume of various square pots online, when i suddenly got unsure of myself. For insecurities sake, I am correct in using the volume formula for a cuboid to determine the volume of a square flower pot right? As well as does anybody know a website that carries larger square flower pots? Largest I have found without paying $60 for some ancient egyption decorative pot hand crafted by a native american is 5.5 inches in diameter. Really would like to find some reasonably priced 10-12 inch diameter pots (4 gallons give or take)


Active Member
<P>There is no doubt that that is a quality round pot with a 12 inch diameter and 3.75 gallons of volume should be plenty of size for an indoor grow.&nbsp; However, a square pot with a 12 inch diameter and roughly 10 inches of depth would have a volume around 5 gallons, which may be overkill for an indoor grow, but too much root room prolly wouldn't hurt a plant.&nbsp; Plus I'm thinking of a scrog grow and the 12 inch square pots would have the added benefit of being a perfect square foot, and provide a visual aid to illustrate exactly how much screen space a plant should take up. However, I have no clue where to find them online.&nbsp; Maybe the local nursery would have some?</P>


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