George Smitherman in serious denial


Well-Known Member
This article is gold. A goldmine of butthurt.

Some highlights of the idiocy:

'The Designated Grower in turn takes the 6 plants approval from Mrs. Jones and turns those 6 plants into mini trees that produce far more weed than Mrs. Jones could ever require.'

'The impact on Licensed Producers from the Court ruling should be net positive as more people who have become accustomed to getting their supply from dispensaries may be forced to legitimize their consumption by obtaining a Prescription from a Medical Professional.'

Yeah, this is a real positive ruling for you and the LP's, George. I would love to have seen how much his head spun trying to write this 'article'.


Well-Known Member
Almost makes me want to sign up a facebook account just so I can leave a comment about how retarded buddy is. He clearly has LP stocks.