Getting started...HELP



I have some babies germinating. When is the right time to put them into the DWC system? And also, I've read it is good to have the root 1 inch from the water level. Is that correct? Or can it be closer?

I also have an idea of using 2 bubblers. Is this a good plan or no? I figured the more oxygen, the quicker and better. Maybe not, maybe so?



Well-Known Member
I have some babies germinating. When is the right time to put them into the DWC system? And also, I've read it is good to have the root 1 inch from the water level. Is that correct? Or can it be closer?

I also have an idea of using 2 bubblers. Is this a good plan or no? I figured the more oxygen, the quicker and better. Maybe not, maybe so?

2 bubblers is fine, youll need a dual output airpump, i use 2 12's. I reccomend looking into a dripper system. this will help those roots get wet!


Active Member
I use a drip too. Some like it some don't. Works for me. I use the drip until the roots hit the water. Then I pull it out. I use 2 12" airstones with a dual output pump. You'll be amazed by the growing power! Have fun!


Active Member
I use 2 8 gallon tubs, each have 4 round 4" air stones, works amazing

I put mine into the tubs when they where just seedlings. The bubbles pop, mist the rockcube, and roots grow. I kept my water pretty damn close, maybe 2" away at most, but when good amount of roots started to show,

I always kept 1/3 in full water, 1/3 in water and air, 1/3 just in air. Just what worked for me, hope this helps, anything else just ask.


Thanks guys. I checked the babes out today and 2 of them are brown on the very end tips and one of them looks like a spike, except the spike part is hairs. WTH is that?!? LoL! I'm very new to this so i'm lost. But I will be using 2 pumps. 1 pump is a dual-output and then a smaller single output pump. Not sure on the bubble stones yet, I need to make a trip to Wally-World. But so far I'm doing alright. I need to get some PH down also. I'm shopping for a grow light right now and building up my area ALL before this weekend as my babies have long roots so it's time to get it going. I will take pics tomorrow and post a reply in here with my set-up so far and my babies and their roots. Preciate the help guys, and wish me luck.


I meant the brown-ness and the spikes are on the roots, sorry 2yr. old ran-out of night time milk lol. Makes multi-tasking kind of hard.