GH MaxiGro nutrient problem!

So I purchased a 2.2lbs bag of General Hydroponics MaxiGro nutrients for my plants...I diluted as instructed and put it in a gallon size plastic bottle. Noticing after about 2 weeks, the nutrients seem to have filmy stringy like matter floating in it?? A bit concerned... would like some feedback so I know whether to use it or not? Thanks in advance :)


Well-Known Member
only mix up what your gonna use at a time
you need to buy the grow maxi grow to. In the beggening you mix them and after week 3 you just use the bloom

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Fertilizers are indeed best when first mixed and most of them will instruct you not to pre mix anything you won't use within 24 hours. Also this is organics and maxigro is not