GHS Lemon Skunk, Shark's Breath, and Rocklock Reports.


Well-Known Member
A 5-pack of fem GHS Lemon Skunk (LS) was accompanied by 2 freebies, Shark's Breath (SB) and Rocklock (RL). One LS was put outside in early July into a peat-based mix similar to the 3LB formula. By the end of Oct, it was as tall as the fence, and ready to be cut down. The other LSs were done indoors in the same type of medium. The RL and SB were also done indoors.

Reviews & Notes

Strain: LS "1"
Growth: Easy to grow, stayed pretty short considering this plant had an overall-sativa morphology. Veg length can be noted upon request, however, clones were taken so this veg time was longer than if clones were not taken. Flowering time could have been cut to 8 weeks, but it went 10.
Nutes: A peat-based medium similar to the 3LB formula. Also, Miracle Grow 8-0-0 organic liquid and Alaska Fish 0-10-10 were used as needed for at least once every 3rd week.
Yield: Comparatively to other plants in the grow, the best of the bunch.
Bag Appeal: This shit looks good. Bright green, and sparkly with trichs.
Smell: No lemon thus far after ~ 2 weeks of curing. Smells like some sort of Fuely-Arm pit - BO. More pit BO stink than anything.
Taste: Nothing special. Tastes like cleanly grown, fresh pot. Which imo, is a good thing.
The High: More testing to come. So far, it's neither a couch-locker nor a hard head buzz. After a bong rip or 2, I wouldn't plan of having to do anything mentally strenuous for at least 2 hours. Even after 2 hours, one day at the gas station I started wondering, "If everyone around me retarded, or am I?" Even thinking that is a good start.
Comments: This plant produced nicely in comparison to other LSs, grew easily, and actually could have been cut at 8 weeks. The cuts root fairly easily in cups of perlite after ~5-8 days. The end product looks nice, but the jury is still out on how good the high is. Too much testing for 1 person, I need more time.

Strain: LS outdoor
Growth: After being started indoor, @ ~ 2 weeks and 8 inches that plant was put outside in early July and harvested at "average" privacy fence height in late Oct. This plant was in sub-par light conditions and wasn't fed other than needed. That being said, it grew pretty easily. There was an issues with lockout which was eventually taken care of.
Nutes: In 4 months, it was fed maybe 4 times with the same stuff mentioned for LS 1. The growing medium was fortified, take that into account for nutes.
Yield: I actually didn't weigh this out yet. Will add this later.
Bag Appeal: Bright green, "bleached" homogeneous appearance. Reminds me of most of the outdoor that I see around here.
Smell: The only one to actually have any lemon scent. It's like a lemon-cough medicine smell. Pretty cool actually. Between the look and the smell, it'll catch some eyes/noses.
Taste: The lemon-cough syrup taste comes through a decent bit without giving the smoke a "dirty" taste.
The High: Maybe it was an isolated incident, but this stuff gets me the most retarded of what has been tested (everything but SB). Even after 2-3 hours I still have some tunnel vision and that feeling that I'm not normal. Going to work even after 3 hours reminds me, "yeah, I'm still high."
Comments: Considering the amount of work that was put in (low), great outcome. A product that smells and looks interesting and a high I can't really talk shit about. A good mix of "I'm fucked up" and "OK, I can still think if I try." Couchlock not really apparent unless too many bong rips have been taken.

Strain: Rocklock
Growth: Shoots up fast then slows down. Nugs fatten up during the last couple weeks of flowering (8-10). A fairly easy to grow plant. No real problems during veg of flower. This plant is now undergoing a reveg.
Nutes: Same mix and food as above.
Yield: Spear o'nugs. Needed the extra 2 weeks to fatten up (10 weeks flowering).
Bag Appeal: Pretty average lookin' "nugs" or "kbs", if you know people dumb enough to use the latter term. It looks good enough, but doesn't really have that "Holy shit, dude. This stuff is gonna destroy us" sort of look.
Smell: Gas-o-line + some sort of like rotting fruit smell, but heavier on the gas.
Taste: Clean tasting, fresh buds. Not bad at all.
The High: Not a couch-lock with this pheno, but certainly nothing racey and cerebral. Perhaps I shall test during the Brown's game. Although this may lead to many bong rips as we play the Jets today and I may want to be passed out by halftime.
Comments: This plant grew like a spear where as the LSs were branchy. The spear was long and sharp too, not a chode of a plant like the SB turned out to be.

Strain: Shark's Breath
Growth: Slow and nigh-retarded at first, but then it got it together and grew pretty easily and normally. Short indica plant. Done @ 9 weeks.
Nutes: Same as everything else.
Yield: Not as much as LS1 (branchy stout sativa influenced plant), but decent considering the setup didn't cater to short plants.
Bag Appeal: A bit darker green than the brightly colored stuff above, but also the orange pistils stand out more. Not as intense looking as the LS1, but probably more colorful than the outdoor LS or the RL.
Smell: Sweet rotting generic fruity smell.
Taste: Unknown.
The High: Unknown.
Comments: This plant had nice, fat indica nugs. It's still curing and feels much more "moist" than the other stuff. It's certainly dry enough to be in a jar, but it's still being burped every day or 2. For this reason, it hasn't been sample.

Although some information has been left out, it can be filled in upon request / when it becomes available. Journals were kept on actual paper, so any information requested can be looked up and belched out.

Pictures will be posted later, once I find my camera and/or I use my roommate's phone with the SD card in it.

Yields weren't given quantitatively because the current setup consists of fluors and is, imo, less than ideal even if growth seemed fine. I suspect that overall yield was influenced by this fact, and the fact that these plants ranged from ~12 to 18 inches in height.

Overall, the grow went pretty well. Clones were obtained from LS1 and RL seems to be doing OK so far in reveg. LS1 is being kept solely based it's ease of growth, it's overall height being short while still being branchy, it clones easily enough, and the nugs look good. I'm happy with the freebies, RL and SB. I'm sort of disappointed that in the 5 pack, only 2 phenos of LS were worth mentioning. The other 3 LS plants were lanky, ugly, slow growing and finishing. The product from those was less impressive looking and smelling. The high is decent but not great.

Feel free to request information and/or critique this report. Again, pics to come.


Well-Known Member
well detailed report gonna get me some lemon skunks here soon.for the price you cant beat it.i love a really good skunk.they really help me get creative.we will smoke a fat skunk J and watch movies but usually talk all the way through it.