good friend wrote this to me. good read about a dear friend

jeff f

New Member
little background on the guy cuz i thik its important. he served with me in the AF for a coupel years. our famiies became very close. so close that i chose him as my retiremet MC. and if you know anything about miitary retirements, thats the biggest honor you can bestow. we still stay in close contact. non smoker, devoted family man and just a wonderful person with an amazing story.

born in the slums of peru his brother and sister immigrated to california and his parents stayed in peru. started working at 9. used to go around california and take tires of of mobile homes and sell for scrap.

joined the AF and served thirty years and achieved the highest enlisted grade. he was naturalized in one of my offices. one of the most emotionas services i have ever witnessed. there are a lot of things running through your head when the oath is being read and when the citizen gives a speech....unbelievable. super sharp guy and a true military hero. anyway this is what he sent me and i think it hits the nail on the head about the current state of politics and conservative attitude.

I was talking to a good man yesterday. He happens to be on the opposite side of the political spectrum from me, but he's not unpleasant about it. I disagree with his political views, but, I agree with him in most other aspects of life. We have a good relationship.

He said something that got me thinking. He said that he can understand why people are angry, but he believe they should be angry at those who cause the anger, like Rush, Sarah, etc.

Following the same logic, the people who were angry during the Bush years should actually be angry at Keith Overbite, Chris Matthews, Al Franken, Rosie O'Donnell, Bill Maher, etc.

It also implies I cannot think for myself. I don't listen to Beck, Hannity, Levin, etc. because they have somehow convinced me to belive them. I listen to them because they agree with my views. They didn't make me feel the way I do, I already had certain values and attitudes about freedom and liberty. They just do a good job at expressing what I think.

I wasn't just a child of the Cold War, I was a Cold Warrior. I joined the military because I believed this country to be the last bastioin of liberty in a world that lived under constant threat from the forces of darkness. Call it Communism, Marxism, Socialism, whatever. It is the antithesis of what our Founding Fathers captured so divinely in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. For a week at a time, I lived and slept close to a nuclear armed B-52, ready to wipe out the Soviets if they threatened our precious freedom.

Why did we feel that way? Iin the simplest possible terms, history has proven again and again that Communism (Marxism, etc.) does not work. Not only has it failed again and again, tens of millions were either killed or starved by that ideology. It is evil.

You can imagine how I feel about having a Marxist in the White House.

Before the last presidential election, I said in no uncertain terms I believed the man was a Marxist--by word an action. It is not because right-leaning TV and radio personalities told me, it is because I heard the man say and repeat things that told me in no uncertain terms he was a Marxist.

Further, his parents were Marxists to the point of abandoning him to spread their ideology. His grandparents were Communists. His mentor was Communist. By his own admission, he sought out Marxists in college. His pastor of 20 years was a Marxist. His new spiritual advisor is a Marxist. His former White House Communications Director proudly proclaimed herself and admirer of Mao. His former Green Jobs Czar is an avowed Communist (and felon). His Manufacturing Czar is a Communist. His FCC Diversity Czar has praised the "important revolution" in Venezuela. I could go on.

But I don't have to.

The Left can continue to ignore all this. The Right can continue to point it out.

But I can see it for myself.

And I don't
like it.