Green Mildew, Mold, or Fungus or something


Well-Known Member
So i was checking out my plants today and the top part of the soil seems to be green.. it could be fungus or mold or something... what's causing it and how can i stop it.. livin' in orange county socal so ya pretty damn hot...


Well-Known Member
We need pics man. But just scoop it out and replace it. quick.

And yeah damn OC heat! Flowering chamber ranges from 95-80 deg F!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
That green stuff is no big deal, but it will eat up your nuts. I used to always get that on the top of my grow medium also. I now place these Panda Covers around my plants, It keep the light off of the grow medium. This will stopp this alge, or mold growth. I think it is Algae. If you are useing soil, you might be keeping it a little to moist.