growing moldy bud?


Active Member
i'm in 6 wks of flowering... my room has had humidity probs!! fuck!! question.... how can i tell if i'm growing moldy bud??? i have a fan blowing right on the plants 24/7~ is this good? i swear i walk in there sometimes and i smell mold!!! a'm i being paranoid? my humidy has been running anywhere from 30% to 75%!!! average would be around 50% fuck!! i hate even typing 75%!!!!! AHHH!!! :wall: :cuss:


Well-Known Member
Ive seen my fair share of budrot thats for sure.

A way to tell at a glance is look for a "water" leaf growing from the bud that is dying. If you find one bend the bud so that you can look inside it. You are checking for white or grey mold spores. Its kinda like a fuzz.

If you find any you must remove the contaminated bud from the plant.

Well-Known Member
dude get a sulfur burner quick and run it for 10min 2 times a day. Mold sucks. You WILL get mold for sure in that setup.

Well-Known Member
right on.. but is this sulfur going to ruin my bud (ie. taste and smell)?? it says it changes the ph of the plant~ :shock:
not if you do not over do it, and a little sulfur is better than a lot of mold. People grow killer buds with a sulfur burner to control mold.

and yea it works by changing ph of the leaves slightly.

An AC unit for low humidity would be nicer. I guess that is not an option.


Well-Known Member
The smell could be coming from the room itself, too, and if so then that mold could be far worse for you than moldy buds. You need to get the entire space dehumidified, either via dehumidifier or, if you can't afford that, through something that will latch onto the moisture in the air. I like to make rice necklaces out of hosiery. Use cheap rice.


Active Member
The smell could be coming from the room itself, too, and if so then that mold could be far worse for you than moldy buds. You need to get the entire space dehumidified, either via dehumidifier or, if you can't afford that, through something that will latch onto the moisture in the air. I like to make rice necklaces out of hosiery. Use cheap rice.
i'm pretty sure it's not the room, unless this has taken place in the last four months. i bought a dehumidifier a month ago , but it's small, and not affective really. i'm about to re-do my whole exhaust/ventilation system. i'll turn the air over in the room every 2 min. when i'm done hooking everything up. but, i'm afraid that's not going to help the humidity prob. i guess i'll have to take the hand and buy a 300 dollar 'real' dehumidifier..


Active Member
not if you do not over do it, and a little sulfur is better than a lot of mold. People grow killer buds with a sulfur burner to control mold.

and yea it works by changing ph of the leaves slightly.

An AC unit for low humidity would be nicer. I guess that is not an option.
i have a window unit that would work perfect for this situation, but i don't want to put that in the window, and running it inside the room i'd have to vent the exhaust somehow out of the room. ? seems like a lot of trouble.
have you seen any sulfer burners for like 50 bucks?? i've only seen them for 100 or more.. fuk'n pricey

Well-Known Member
i have a window unit that would work perfect for this situation, but i don't want to put that in the window, and running it inside the room i'd have to vent the exhaust somehow out of the room. ? seems like a lot of trouble.
have you seen any sulfer burners for like 50 bucks?? i've only seen them for 100 or more.. fuk'n pricey
more like $120, that safer sulfur spray is also good. I have sprayed it on a hot CFL and that seems to stink up the room nicely of sulfur. you could get that stuff for less than $20.

next grow you will have better air, but dont loose this harvest to mold, come on.