Harvest soon


So my plants are around 32 days into flowering. I am going out of town for the winter break and need to harvest my bag seed first grow next week. They are looking pretty nice so far. How bad is it going to be if I harvest them in 7 days when they are only 39 days flowering? Unfortunately I have no choice. I am going to then dry them out for a few days (3-4) and then cure then while I drive for another 2 days. Does this sound like an okay plan?

Here is a few pics of the babys




Well-Known Member
the middle one on the top looks like the only one that could wait a few more days to a week. the rest... i'd wait at least 2 weeks. but you shuold watch day to day..


The problem is that everybody that I know is going away for at lest 2 weeks. I will be gone for almost 3. I dont think that they would make it if I left em... It sucks but this was just a test grow that I just happened to get a few females out of. I should still get high off of em right? Gosh I hope so... What would happen if they didnt get water for 2 weeks?


Well-Known Member
dude, I would follow your original plan. you do not want to chance your grow to fortune when you are so close to finishing. cut them down in a week and go from there, afterall you said this was a test batch right. you will get high, but it will not be a good as if you would have let them sit a bit longer. your smoke is going to be harsh do to the fact you are not giving them enough time to get the chlorophyll out of them. you will get high though.


Perfect ill stick to the plan, one thing though. Does that seem like the right time for each thing, I have untill a week from sat. Keep them until wed. cut em down in the AM and then dry until sat. AM when I leave? Or is it better to have a few more days to dry but give up a few less days of growth? Maybe I will just deal with a harsh smoke...


Well-Known Member
To dry marijuana correctly it can take up to 3 weeks. Can't you cut it down and let it dry while you are away?


True I could let it dry while im gone for the 2 1/2 weeks. Do you think it would be fine without being looked after for that long?


yes but put it in a dark place without a massive amount of airflow.. in papers bags so it doesnt dry out too fast. you also dont want it to dry out so that it crumbles (some people dont) i like to dryout the weed i buy.. it burns better for me that way, anywhoot. goodluck.


Active Member
Be careful if you put it paper bags. If you dont ventilate them once a day, they can mold. So only put small amounts per paper bag.

Try building a wooden box and fit three levels of screens in it. That gives them plenty of ventilation and you can leave it unattended.

Or try the tried and true, cut the stalks and hang them upside down from your shower rod or something comparable.


Be careful if you put it paper bags. If you dont ventilate them once a day, they can mold. So only put small amounts per paper bag.

Try building a wooden box and fit three levels of screens in it. That gives them plenty of ventilation and you can leave it unattended.

Or try the tried and true, cut the stalks and hang them upside down from your shower rod or something comparable.

Yes, to elaborate i didnt mean for you to seal them in the bags but leave the top open. this way they dry slower and dont mold
the wooden box sounds good too!


I have built in wood cabinets, what if I emptied out one put some string up and hung em in there for the two and a half weeks? Would I want to leave the door open?


sounds good, the doors closed will probobly mold it. ever smell that stuffy smell when you open a cabinet for the first time in a while? yuck. air holes lol


Well-Known Member
What I do after cutting it down and manicuring it to run string through a cardboard box and hand the buds by the string. Let those suckers hang there unattended until dry. OMG I really am lazy.


So am i moogie. lol, you gave me a great idea since i created the perfect cardboard box for my veg room:

i could also use it to do what your talking about... think the pc fans would dry them out too quickly? (theres one in the tube sucking air out)