Harvesting times, weather.... curing for different qualities..


Hi there, this is the first time I've gone solo with growing miss mary jayne. I've enjoyed the learning expirience emmensely and am really looking forward to puffing my own grown stinky 'o naturale' ganja. However I've got a few issues at this late stage. Firstly (and more importantly) to do with harvesting times and secondly with the drying / curing process.

I am growing 4 female Shaman plants outdoors down at the bottom of my garden. All the plants have developed at different paces.

Pic.1 &2 shows one plant that has half its pistols brown and all trichomes milky. This one is the most developed
Pic.3 shows the other plant that is also more 'flowered'. Trichomes are also nearly all milky (no brown), not as beefy as the first tho.
Pic.4 shows the lazy one of the group. Nearly no brown pistols and it looks like the bud will beef up some more. Five days ago there was virtually no flower.
Pic.5 the plant that appears to have done best (and also the only one I didn't top). Pistols are 70% white. All trichomes white / milky. Ideally I'd like to give this one another 2 week at least. Very proud of this one :D

Now my first dilemna is this; we've got some pretty awful weather forecast for the next few days (wind and rain). Apparently these plants are usually ready to harvest in the first week of Oct.
I'm definately going to leave the 'lagger'of the group there till then. But I'm concerned for my other babes.... For the two most developed would it be best to harvest them ahead of the bad weather?

I've read from a few places that as soon as the trichomes are turning brown, its time, as this signals the THC breaking down into other psychoactives. There's no brown trichomes yet.

Which leads me nicely to the next (and kinda inter - mingled) query that I've been puzzling over; which is all to do with drying / curing.

In a nutshell I've heard this; As the buds dry/cure the THC breaks down into other chemicals which can alter the quality of smoke vastly.

I've also heard this; 'if you want a cerebral high your going for a shorter drying span so much of the THC remains' (Straight off the bat I'd say this would be my preffered choice as I fucking love getting high and doing active stuff like playing some footie with mates).

and 'if you want a body high that is more likely to keep you sofa - bound then your looking for a more 'cured' bud.

However, lol, I've also heard that the longer you cure your weed, the better it tastes and more flavour you get and supposedly the conniseur goes for this mixture.

I've got a drying / curing procedure set up so Im alright on that front, I'd just like to read some discussion and also hear about to keep my bud with high THC levels, as I want to do stuff when I'm baked! Perhaps I could do a mixture.... any thoughts on that??

My main question is the first though. Please give me your advice about harvesting ahead or after the bad weather - which is a lot of rain and quite a bit of wind. It's still fairly warm around here.

Maybe consider some sort of cover, or if nothing else just be sure to give your buds a little shake to get the collecting water out. Longer curing times give the chlorophyll more time to break down and create the smoother taste you are referring to. I don't think the curing time has much of an effect on the S/I ratio. This is mostly determined by the maturity of the trichomes at harvest.