health care disaster, take one

jeff f

New Member

i hate to say i told ya, i really dont hate to, i kind of like it.

i bet you libs grandparents feel great now huh?

THERE ARENT ANY DEATHPANELS, NO WAY. well gues what, now there arent even any death beds. your grandparents will have to die at home if they depend on medicare.

i am gonna go out on a limb here....there will be more to follow

edit check out this little gem from the article

Nationwide, doctors made about 20 percent less for treating Medicare patients than they did caring for privately insured patients in 2007, a payment gap that has remained stable during the last decade, according to a March report by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, a panel that advises Congress on Medicare issues. Congress last week postponed for two months a 21.5 percent cut in Medicare reimbursements for doctors.

those evil lousy scum sucking leaches at the insurance company paid 20% MORE for providers. all the evil that these lefties have been rainin down on the insurance companies and here we find out that they pay 20% more than the crooked fuckers of the govt.

face it, liberals are liars.