Help...Has anyone topped a plant before?

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
I cut the top on my 4 week old purple haze plant. Never tried this before and i only did it to one of them. It has been almost 4 days of very slow growth, and there is just sprots coming out. I just cut the top of the growth shout and left the bigger fan leafs on each side attached. Is this normal for the sprouting to take awhile. My other ones that i didnt top are growing at good rate while this one is falling behind.


Well-Known Member
The point of topping is basically to slow growth a bit and make it shorter, so it sounds like everything is fine. Could take up to a week for it to reallly start growing tall again, in the meantime your lower branches should stretch up a bit..


Well-Known Member
I topped two of my plants when they were at the 4th node , I should have waited till the 5th or 6th node, and the plant showed it's sex , if they turn out to be males , I wasted my time. As to your problem you should expect them to be a bit stunted , HELL if you had one of your legs cut off would you be " Perky" ?.


Well-Known Member
If all goes well. Some say that topping gives more colas , but they are smaller than if you just left the one meristem intact, I don't have enough personal experience to say which way is better , I think some people like to play with their plants , and some people just want the thing to grow.
Good luck to you ;-)

medi grower

Active Member
I have tried both topping and not and I really prefer pruning at weeks 4 and 6 of an 8 week veg. The first time, you "top" the plant to bring 2nd tier branches up to the top. Do this by cutting the taller branches just above a pair of nodes about 1 - 1 1/2 inches above the lower branches' top. The second cutting is to prune lateral branches that shade their neighbors too much. It should go without saying that you make clones of these cuttings at least from one session.
Until you "max" the plant, each time you cut a branch it will grow 2 (or more!) tops to replace the one you took. These new colas won't be as big as the original but will be close. your yield of prime top bud will increase. There is, however, a point of diminishing returns. The top buds will be smaller, so if you top too much they can start looking like lower branch stuff. Experiment with your strain and see what it will tolerate. My HP13 will take about 10 prunings without adverse affect; they just get bushy.
As to pruning a plant whose sex is unknown: yes, prune it. When you clone the cuttings, do so with a 12/12 photoperiod and you will know the plants' sex. You can then cull (and smoke) the males giving your ladies more space to thrive.
I hope this helped .


Well-Known Member
Here's 2 pics, the first one is a single cola grown plant and the 2nd one is one I topped (both NL from seed). Think I pulled 2oz. off that topped one if I remember right..