help what's wrong


Well-Known Member
test the soil he said how much water do u give the plant

if u are limiting the water to a certin fluild oz a day then watering every day is ok (but this takes alot of math pot size type of pot air tempture and how the plant reacts to it all plus light and a few more things )


Well-Known Member
i think they are full by spider mite
over watering or the soil Ph do not leave these tracks only spider mite

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
you dont look like your soil has any perlite. it looks like it holds water for a good few days.

i personally think they are doing fine, if they are outside permanently then of course bugs will get them.

doesnt look like spidermite to me as you dont have enough white spots, but you can clearly see bugs have been munching. if you dont know what bugs, get some neem and go to town.

its you or the bugs my friend!!

this is war!!!!