Help... white hair tips browning. Don't see many trichomes


Well-Known Member
The strain is Aussie Blues. First time growing this strain, so I was wondering if this is normal.
I have them outdoors, they're about 3-4 weeks in. It's a 10 week strain.

The very tip-- like 10% of the hair is browning or shriveling. I don't think I'm over-nuting them. They look pretty damn healthy, although the hairs aren't as long as some others I've seen in pictures (guessing that's because of the strain as well).

Don't know why but they're just growing like that. Maybe it's from the heat?
and no they're not pollinated cus the buds are still growing and hairs aren't dying off.

I have some bag seed in their first week that have more visible trichomes so I was wondering if hair browning effects THC production?