Help with QWISO hash from grinder


New Member
I had a gunky grinder needing of a clean so I took 91% ISO in ziplock back shook piece by piece 30 sec then I put it in a Pyrex glass container I know have it evaporating outside by the sun is there any way I could let all the ISO evaporate any quicker like few hours? I have pics



Well-Known Member
Some people put the pan in a hot water bath.

I use a fan over night so it evaps at the lowest possible temp...



Well-Known Member
I forgot to say, even with the fan, it takes a few hrs, then I let it go a few more just to be sure.


Well-Known Member
UV degrades both chlorophyll, and THC, so be careful.

A fan works well, but if the humidity is high, can add atmospheric moisture.

A little heat in a thin film will speed things up. You didn't say what you wanted to make out of it, but if you want to keep it in carboxylic acid shatter form, I would keep the temperatures in the 115/120F, or under 140F for taffy.