Help with soil mix/nutrients

Dr. Treez84

Well-Known Member
Ok, I know a lot of people on here have used supersoil before so thought it would be a good place to ask. I've done a lot reading and it says not put immature plants straight into Super Soil. However, my plants are 24" tall and I'm going to be transplanting them outside and flipping them into flower doing a light dep. Can I transplant them into an all Super Soil mix or do I still have to put half base soil and bottom half super? Or with a light dep would I better off making my own teas?

Colorado Old Guy

Active Member
If you are going into the ground outside, you need to prepare your planting sites now.
You can replace the soil with your mix or you can improve what is there. I'm in an area where we have reasonably good well drained soil so I just incorporate three handfuls of 16/16/16 fertilizer along with a bucketful of mulch into a three foot circle about a foot deep. Water it good now so that all will be incorporated into the soil when it's time to plant out.(3rd wk of May here) that should be all you need do until they begin to Bud at which point, if the foliage shows any stress or discoloration, you can add some budding fertilizer.
I have used this procedure for years and have had outstanding luck with it...Some folks have criticized this as not giving the plants enough to sustain them, but I figure the proof is in the pudding and I will compare my yield with anyone's. Also, be careful with the water, I have experienced more problems with growth and discoloration by overwatering than any thing else. Obtain and use a good moisture meter....don't depend on your eyeball or fingertip... Best Regards