Help... yellowing leaves on mutated plant


Well-Known Member
water her with a high nitrogen, N-P-K, so like 5-2-2 or something, use blood meal, bone meal, fish emulsion. ur in dirt, or get buy some good nutes.


New Member
what would you reccoment for nutes...i cant really spend all that much so would like water soluble miricle grow plant food be good???


Well-Known Member
what would you reccoment for nutes...i cant really spend all that much so would like water soluble miricle grow plant food be good???

That will work if it's all you can afford. It will probably not perform as well as the nutes specifically designed for growing pot, but you can have a successful grow nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
By the way, if you do use MG, start with a weaker solution than what the directions say. Maybe 1/4 dose or so. Particularly given how young your plant is.


New Member
thanks... well i cant really get nutes for growin pot here in tx lol and ordering online is out ofthe question(parents) thanks again


Well-Known Member
i told u what u could use in my post, its all cheap, and can be found at ur local walmart or home