Here comes Global Cooling!!


Well-Known Member
Well, when I read this article today, I thought about posting it in closet.cult's Climate crisis fraud thread.
However, I decided to start a new thread, in which it will probably have better visibility...

MOSCOW. (Oleg Sorokhtin for RIA Novosti) – Stock up on fur coats and felt boots! This is my paradoxical advice to the warm world.
Earth is now at the peak of one of its passing warm spells. It started in the 17th century when there was no industrial influence on the climate to speak of and no such thing as the hothouse effect. The current warming is evidently a natural process and utterly independent of hothouse gases.
The real reasons for climate changes are uneven solar radiation, terrestrial precession (that is, axis gyration), instability of oceanic currents, regular salinity fluctuations of the Arctic Ocean surface waters, etc. There is another, principal reason—solar activity and luminosity. The greater they are the warmer is our climate.
Astrophysics knows two solar activity cycles, of 11 and 200 years. Both are caused by changes in the radius and area of the irradiating solar surface. The latest data, obtained by Habibullah Abdusamatov, head of the Pulkovo Observatory space research laboratory, say that Earth has passed the peak of its warmer period, and a fairly cold spell will set in quite soon, by 2012. Real cold will come when solar activity reaches its minimum, by 2041, and will last for 50-60 years or even longer.
This is my point, which environmentalists hotly dispute as they cling to the hothouse theory. As we know, hothouse gases, in particular, nitrogen peroxide, warm up the atmosphere by keeping heat close to the ground. Advanced in the late 19th century by Svante A. Arrhenius, a Swedish physical chemist and Nobel Prize winner, this theory is taken for granted to this day and has not undergone any serious check.
It determines decisions and instruments of major international organizations—in particular, the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Signed by 150 countries, it exemplifies the impact of scientific delusion on big politics and economics. The authors and enthusiasts of the Kyoto Protocol based their assumptions on an erroneous idea. As a result, developed countries waste huge amounts of money to fight industrial pollution of the atmosphere. What if it is a Don Quixote’s duel with the windmill?

Read full article here:
RIA Novosti - Opinion & analysis - A cold spell soon to replace global warming


Well-Known Member
As you know I am on vacation in Florida today. Temps are freezing, its going to snow. Must be the result of Global Warming?? VV


Well-Known Member
Fuck that, I like it warm. That means I get to ride my motorcycle to work instead of drive my gas guzzling truck.....bring on the warming and I will do my part to counteract it....what a catch22 this is.


New Member
I'm running my generator nonstop, even though I'm not using it, and burning all the plastic I can find. If you have had enough of this cold, I suggest you do the same. Time is of the essence!


Well-Known Member
I'm running my generator nonstop, even though I'm not using it, and burning all the plastic I can find. If you have had enough of this cold, I suggest you do the same. Time is of the essence!

Don't forget the styrofoam and old tires, rich black smoke.


New Member
Uuuhhhh, so black is white and white is black, uhh OK, I'm convinced, you win, it's getting colder in North Dakota, uhh, It's winter!


New Member
but I am in Floriduh. I expect it in Michigan, not in Floriduh. VV
They've had freezes there before. I remember a few orange crops have been wiped out because of it. Just put on your long johns before you go to the beach, oh, and break out the smudge pots. BTW, seems like it's been a little colder than usual here in Vegas also, I guess that Ice age is upon us.


Well-Known Member
want a weekly update of contrarian views?....visit ... SEPP - Science & Environmental Policy Project .....for every thopusand opinions, there are another thoussand that say was cooling in the 70s then warming again in the 90s ..... the IPCC report and NASA admittedly worked with data that was learned to be a misrepresentation.....effecitvely and efficiently manage emissions of all kinds (water, air, solid) does the earth good.


New Member
Holy shit!!! The most conclusive evidence yet has presented itself!!! The MMGW myth is beginning to break up!!! medicalmao has posted, not once, but twice ladies and gentlemen of the jury, with nary a profanity!! The sky must be falling on the libs, who are, no doubt, praying for heat. Is Gaia listening?


New Member
Holy shit!!! The most conclusive evidence yet has presented itself!!! The MMGW myth is beginning to break up!!! medicalmao has posted, not once, but twice ladies and gentlemen of the jury, with nary a profanity!! The sky must be falling on the libs, who are, no doubt, praying for heat. Is Gaia listening?
I think Ignore is a good choice, but I'll wave that for now, Hey dorkwad, are you a skinhead or just a bald asshole?


New Member
I think Ignore is a good choice, but I'll wave that for now, Hey dorkwad, are you a skinhead or just a bald asshole?
Lovely locks, actually. My asshole is bald though. Ignore, when we are having such a good time? You can never stay away for long anyway. You always come back to me, you silly little man. Now get me my slippers!


New Member
Lovely locks, actually. My asshole is bald though. Ignore, when we are having such a good time? You can never stay away for long anyway. You always come back to me, you silly little man. Now get me my slippers!
Suck what? I've got a special treat for you if we actually were to ever meet, I'd tell you what it is but then I'd have to kill you. actually not such a bad idea in itself. I'll keep that thought between my other thoughts.


New Member
Suck what? I've got a special treat for you if we actually were to ever meet, I'd tell you what it is but then I'd have to kill you. actually not such a bad idea in itself. I'll keep that thought between my other thoughts.
I'd break/dislocate both your arms and blow pot smoke in your destroyed face, just to numb the pain.


New Member
it's trading one crises for another, really. planetary climate always changes and humans have always adapted, not by evolution but by our ingenuity.

there is no 'crises' people, besides our imperfect political systems which pretends to assume a small group of men can know what is best for every other man.

unfortunately, the majority of human beings are not smart enough to figure that out. otherwise, a mass movement would have been possible earlier, to nip this problem in the bud.


New Member
Holy shit!!! The most conclusive evidence yet has presented itself!!! The MMGW myth is beginning to break up!!! medicalmao has posted, not once, but twice ladies and gentlemen of the jury, with nary a profanity!! The sky must be falling on the libs, who are, no doubt, praying for heat. Is Gaia listening?
Well, wonders never cease! If he keeps up the good manners, and begins to act like a decent human being, I just might take him off of "ignore." :blsmoke:
