House Democratic 'Leader' Calls Stephen Colbert's testimony an embarrassment


Well-Known Member
I think democrats want to loose in november.

in an interesting twist of events, democratic house member Steny Hoyer, who the AP calls a leader, called Colbert's testimony an 'embarrasment'.

oh, she does not know the whirlwind of mockery she just unleashed on herself. can't wait for next week's show.

he's going to tear her a new one, i guarantee it.

I saw stewart last week, and he had an interesting bit which discussed how Democrats easily fuck up a sure thing. this could've been one of those instances where a famous person uses their high profile to bring attention to important issues, in order to help solve those issues.

this democrat takes fox news' bait, and decides to belittle Colbert.

now she's sure to have his character (he was testifying in character, it was a publicity ploy, nothing more, nobody was expecting anything serious) attack her in every way shape and form. not only him, but his archnemesis Jon Stewart is sure to tap into this 'joke gold mine'.

i would consider this her resignation letter to tell you the truth....and if she wins, she'll be one of the new 'talking points' in these shows, and she'll loose ALL credibility, slowly but surely..............................:clap::clap::clap:

way to go democrats!!! let's fuck up a good thing for no reason!!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!


Active Member
Steny hoyer is a dude...

Also, I agree with him. If he really was more interested in promoting the issue rather than himself, he shouldn't have testified 'in character' in my opinion. If he had presented serious testimony, we might be talking about migrant farm workers' rights rather than whether or not it is appropriate for a comedian to perform in front of a congressional sub-committee. Doing his routine just diminished the value of what he was saying and it was a poor choice on his part.

I love his show and think he's a very talented comedian. But I happen to agree that it's inappropriate. How would you feel about glenn beck appearing before congress? Isn't he always in character....?


Well-Known Member
didnt elmo testify in character to the senate at some point? I just think that the mismatch was not with him going to the senate as his persona, but the subject matter being pretty important it being weird to have him doing his role there. I think that this will makemore people look at Stephen colbert (that cares) in a bad light more than some faceless senator that took it too seriously.