How do i get my mmc?


Well-Known Member
Do you have an ailment for which mmj is recommended?
If so u need a referral to a clinic with a mj friendly dr. Or contact the local club or dispensary near you they may have a dr lined up to help

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Welcome Robert deuce
being sick usually helps...and its not really a card but rather an exemption from prosecution (section 56)....well at least until the gov gets off its collective ass and legalizes it...which should in reality not take very long at all....but being the job makers the government are,,,,is taking forever of course....
personally I would wait and just fly under the radar if you wont matter much soon..
if you can't ...then you need to see your doctor ...and do some reading on here...


Well-Known Member
Its taking forever because they keep hiring unqualified people. No joke, I personally know a guy that was recently hired on, and his knowledge of cannabis goes about as far as him liking it. That's it. It was also a bit of a favoritism thing since his fiancees mom has worked at HC in the various forms of the medical program as I recently found out. Guess that explains why it got so quiet when voicing my hatred of the MMPR. His fiancee let slip some.....interesting info
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Seems like a bit of a hassle, maybe I'll just wait it out. I don't smoke currently but I'm interested in anything high in cbd for the anti anxiety benefits but I don't know where to get it. thanks for the replies

Captain Keg

Well-Known Member
Seems like a bit of a hassle, maybe I'll just wait it out. I don't smoke currently but I'm interested in anything high in cbd for the anti anxiety benefits but I don't know where to get it. thanks for the replies
You could always grow your own?

I'd rather grow my own, stuff the kids sell is usually commercial crap & you've no idea what way it was grew let alone what it is.
It's the only way you can be sure of what your getting.