How Do You Grow Organic?

Hey guys im new to growing organic. I was hoping to get some help on making organic fertilizer for 2011 grow. Iv been using fertilizer from big name companys and my buddy said organic tastes better and gets better yeilds and is cheaper so i thought i cant go wrong.

thanks for any help later,:-P


Well-Known Member
Starting a compost pile is always a good way to help provide nutrients organically. You could separate your food and throw the vegetables, egg shells, fruit peels, stuff of that nature. Some people use meats, I personally would not, they attract the wrong kinds of bugs. A compost pile takes some time to get enough to use on a large scale garden though.

Otherwise, you could look into Subcool's Super Soil recipe and use that. Actually, if you had to start something right now, I would recommend the Super Soil. It will take about a month to "cook" the soil outdoors in the sun, but It could be ready by may and you could just grow plants in pots in base soil until your Super Soil was ready and then put them in the ground.


Well-Known Member
In my last grow I used Nutri+ chemical ferts on one set of plants & organic on another. Both grown in #4 sunshine mix (soil less).
For organic I used 30ml Wilson liquid fish base all purpose plant food (6-6-6), 15ml liquid kelp extract, 1tsp Mexican guano, 1tsp Jamaican guano per 10 liters water.
During flowering I added about 25ml black strap molasses once per week. Flushed just like the chemical ferts for the last 10 days.
I honestly find it difficult to tell the difference between the two as far as taste goes - I use the molasses with my chemical ferts as well so my bud always tastes and smells pretty sweet regardless of the fertilizers I use. They both yield about the same & smoke really well. I would'nt say one is more potent than the other. I have been experimenting with organic for two years now and would say using a soil less mix is a good way to start if you have access to the above mentioned ingredients and plan to grow indoors. I actually had better luck without mixing my own soil but that is just because I am inexperienced with the whole soil recipe thing and did not have all of the ingredients I required to do it properly.
Cheers & good luck.


RIU Bulldog
An easy way is to start with a peat or coco based soil-less mix for a foundaition. Then you add a bunch of organic amendments like bat guano, earthworm castings, alfalfa meal, bone and blood meal, kelp meal etc. And another important principle of organic growing is bacteria.Beneficial bacteria make organics available as fertilizer for the roots and promotes healthy, vigorous, disease and pest free plants.

As for fertilizers; if you wanna go the easy route, most major brands have an organic line for organic growers. I kow Advance Nutrients has Iguana Juice (,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ie=UTF-8&cid=16811973412610148719&sa=X&ei=GT2STZjqL4nWtQPFoYmuDg&ved=0CF0Q8gIwAQ# ) and Mother Earth Organic Tea (,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ie=UTF-8&cid=9412888256739553854&sa=X&ei=GT2STZjqL4nWtQPFoYmuDg&ved=0CGwQ8wIwBQ# ),
General Organics is a line that claims to be all vegan, whatever that means, but the ingredients are organic derived.
( ).
Technaflora Pura Vida ( )
Van de Zwaan is a high quality organic hydroponic fertilizer that can compete directly with Advanced Nutrients.
(*F?&GUID=f5c973b612e0a02674d00640ff8ed0d4&itemid=110610152343&ff4=263602_309572 ).

If you wanna go homemade, you can make your own organic "teas" from bat guano, earthworm castings, compost etc. It's more complicated than buying a bottle of fertilizer but you have more control over what going in your plants.
My family has a whole bunch of compost for gardening and stuff if I went and got a big bag would that work all the way? Vegin anf Flowering?


Active Member
Feed the soil not the plant.
1. make or buy a high quality an organic soil mix.
2. get some raw worm castings
3. get some good compost
4. get some drainage
5. use algae and fish based ferts
6. get some hibrix molasses
7. do some reading
8. grow some dank bud.


Well-Known Member
use no chemical based ferts. try the Blue Mountain Organics stuff (from ebay) also FFOF is good. and make your own along the way using what NLNo5 mentioned then next year you use the soil you created. simple as that and much better for you than chemical based/ manufactured soil like MG