How is it looking? Seems something wrong ...


Active Member
Day 22 of veg ...

Seem a bit small, but did have the wrong light on them for about 8 days. They are stretched and I currently have four going under CFL's (two 42W, four 27W daylight with reflectors and aluminum foil).

I don't know much, but from reading I believe I am underwatering. New to growing anything so I am still working out the kinks. It is potting soil with Miracle Grow slow release (I know this isn't the best). Maybe nute burn?

Please let me know, thanks



Well-Known Member
Definitely not neut burn. What does your watering schedule look like and what are the temps in the grow room?


Active Member
Definitely not neut burn. What does your watering schedule look like and what are the temps in the grow room?
Every 4-5 days. The temp is usually in the range of 74-78 F. I have been weary of overwatering. Does it seem small for 3 weeks old?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I can almost guaranty you are under watering. If the top if the soil is dry you need to water it. I usually water mine once a day or every other day. Temps are fine. Will bush up more when you water it correctly.


Active Member
I can almost guaranty you are under watering. If the top if the soil is dry you need to water it. I usually water mine once a day or every other day. Temps are fine. Will bush up more when you water it correctly.

:leaf:Thanks man, will do.:leaf: