how is my grow room


Well-Known Member
yes it is beautiful noone ever comments about my shit either o well at least they look at my shit sometimes. Do you know if she is a girl yet?


Well-Known Member
not yet but theres no male pods yet eather so it's a good thing. and it seems if you ask about hows my glass pipe,or my jaw is wired shut every one post. i think there is a little click going on and where not part of it:cry:


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks lonely! Tell us more about your light and the rest of your gear!

Good luck on it being a girl!


Well-Known Member
its my first grow i will try more after but it's just for me and my girlfriends heads i also tryed 1 just to get the hang of it and im using a 400 watt hps it's also a 400 watt mh a have 1 vent blowing in cold air and the hot air goes out the bottom of my door. and using advanced nutrients mother earth super tea bloom, carbo load,and bud blood witch is used only in the 1 week of flowering and i have big bug used in week 2. after that i will use just the bloom and carbo load. heres some pic's



Well-Known Member
o and timer, 2 1 gallon jugs one with nutrients and one with ph water in case i need to flush or dilute the mix


Well-Known Member
looks like you have everything you need! Did you try posting this in the Grow room forum above?

I only grow to fill up mason jars and empty them! Everything else is just a bonus!


Well-Known Member
simple set up the hardest thing was putting in the vent. did a tone of reading before i even tryed to grow for real


Well-Known Member
you can check out mine in my grow journal, not sure but its called first grow i want train wreck! Are you planning on filling this set up or just one at a time:)

t dub c

Well-Known Member
yah check out mine its very close to yours. your plant looks like my first one I tried to grow, it got massive......but then it got balls , check it out in my journal


Well-Known Member
simple set up the hardest thing was putting in the vent. did a tone of reading before i even tryed to grow for real
what fan are you using for the vent ? i also did my vent like this at first but found that having the vent pull from the top of the room instead worked more air rises. also having the fan to help move hot air across the tops of the plants.

check the pics in my gallery.

looks good !!:peace: