How many plants under 1 600 watt hid


Well-Known Member
what harvest can i expect per plant by putting 6 under a 600 watt hid lamp and could i do any more than 6 by using just 1 lamp ???


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say 1 oz per plant min. If you look around here at folks journals and crap, that isn't the case.

But if you figure on getting 40 watts per square foot, you can light a 4X4 space with that 600 watt light. All depends which method you want to go with. 1 plant per square foot, or sog, or 4 bushy plant.


Well-Known Member
lpool....your asking 2 question that really depend on other items. Generally speaking, if you grew 6 plants under that light and did everything very well you could get about 1lb +/- a few O'z
Now.....can you grow 6 plants under that light? Yes, but it depends on strain, style of grow, size of cab, air flow, nutes, on and on and on.