How much compost should I use in my brewer?


Well-Known Member
I rigged myself a mini AACT brewer (I simply don't need anything more) that runs well with 1.5L of water.
I had the stuff lying around and it works GREAT. I only doing a single mj plant right now so I only use 1.5L per watering, which is on a weekly basis.

I've made a run with about 3 gallons of water and it turned out "fine". Gave it to all my plants and I'm waiting for results.
Even when I used it straight it was more than enough for all of my plants.

Running at ambient temp, around 34°C with tap water (300ppm) that have been dechlorinated. Very good aeration. (Or so I believe)

Anyhow, I'm looking for advice on how much to add.
I got a 8 Miles High (Mandala Seeds) a month (+-) in flowering that's in a mix with a lot of compost. Using the tea as a boost.

I got 3 kinds of compost to use-
Worm castings (good quality), Manure compost (medium quality, pretty strong) and my homemade compost which is not totally finished yet but it should be done enough and add some N to the solution. Its of good (not superb) quality and I cut it with about 50% soil clamped with roots I pick from plants I harvest. Its not strong but it has an active biology running pretty well.

I don't have molasses or alfalfa to add. Might get some alfalfa pellets soon.
Instead I use raw sugar (dark brown with the molasses still in it, unproccessed as much as I know).

What do you think would be good amounts for my situation?
I use just enough for the compost to fully dissolve in the water. Then i just apply straight to the plants with no filtering.