How Much Marijuana Does It Take To Kill You?

I agree that consumption of cannabis can cause tachycardia but I have yet to find a reference to a single documented fatality attributed to cannabis. If you have a journal reference or a reported incidence, I would very much appreciate a link. I have cared for patients that have arrested from WPW and prolonged QT but have never heard or seen a causal relationship to cannabis.
read the previous post if you think you are a scientist.


Well-Known Member
In the words of the immortal Jay-Z, 'I'm not a Doctor, but I know a little bit' ...

A cannabis consumer with pre-existing medical issues could suffer potentially life threatening consequences after consuming even a small amount of cannabis. Cardiac issues ie. SVT, WPW, long q-t syndrome, could be exacerbated by THC which is reported to cause tachycardia in a number or users.
proof far there are no deaths due to MJ...except if you get stoned & think you can fly so you jump out a window...


Well-Known Member
I believe this individual is along the lines of 12-15 years old. Nobody like this kid or cares about what it says. Like a woman who stays in an abusive relationship. Too bad tweed is full of mold.


Well-Known Member
i had to unignore him again...i didn't think @bigmanc would talk to me like that...haha
Peter Tosh, why do you leave your house or even eat? I am sure you have conspiracy theories for absolutely everything! if a nurse saved YOUR life, would she still be a "front line killer"? are you really this far gone??!!
i am going back to ignoring you so i won't read your wisdom filled retort....i hope it has a chart though...a good one. maybe a different one though....oh yeah...GREEN CRACK!!


Well-Known Member
he called us bullies on another post yet look at the things he says-insults, condescending, conspiracies yet he claims to be of one love. if he were true in that no matter what race, colour or creed he is, there would be no isults. his words are no more that a crack pot on the street corner yelling like chicken little "the sky is falling"
calling nurses front line killers??!! right....if that's true, where would he go if he needed medical attention? sure wouldn't be to a Dr office or God forbid a hospital...He'd be dead...according to him
i hope he comes up with a different chart. he's posted the old one too many times to remind us about LP's
i wounder if he told his "wisdom" to a pillow, would it get softer & nicer to lay on? he's so full of fluff
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he called us bullies on another post yet look at the things he says-insults, condescending, conspiracies yet he claims to be of one love. if he were true in that no matter what race, colour or creed he is, there would be no isults. his words are no more that a crack pot on the street corner yelling like chicken little "the sky is falling"
calling nurses front line killers??!! right....if that's true, where would he go if he needed medical attention? sure wouldn't be to a Dr office or God forbid a hospital...He'd be dead...according to him
i hope he comes up with a different chart. he's posted the old one too many times to remind us about LP's
i wounder if he told his "wisdom" to a pillow, would it get softer & nicer to lay on? he's so full of fluff
where to go for medical help? Definetly not a wannabe doctor. More damage is done by this medical system than help. It is based on wannabe doctors who are only in it for the money.. They will never risk license to actually save a life let alone speak up about poisons they push. You saying chemotherapy is better than cannabis oil for cancer? Keep dreaming. I cure those who are left for dead by your so called doctors. Get to the root of the problems.. Your food and water to start. Dodge Monsanto and you will be in much better health. Eugenics is real and you are all targets getting hit from many directions.


Well-Known Member
Today Im a bird
Flyin high in the sky
Im flyin so high
Just lookin for dreads
If I see Peter Toshie
Im gonna poop on his head
If you dont like my poem
Bout bein a bird
Just watch overhead
Im saving up turds
If you dont like my poem
Bout bein a bird
Who gives a fuck?
Gettin shit on by me
Will bring you good luck