how to set plants around the light?


Well-Known Member
this is how i had it (see pics) ,the smallest plants were in the middle with the larger ones along the out side so the lower branches got light..but the farthest plants were about 3 feet from the middle of the light.


Well-Known Member
this is what i just did.(see pics) i put a taller one that had less vegetation..(ie big leaves)in the center right under the light ,then the five tallest ones got spaced out even from each other one foot from the center plant.,then the five shortest ones went onto five gallon buckets evenly spaced 18 inches from the center plant but between the ones sitting on the me this looks like every plant is now as close to the light as i can get unless anyone has a better way? please let me know.


Well-Known Member
i just measured from the light to the top of the farthest plant was about 3.5 feet now the light to the top of the farthest plant is just under 2 ft and the bottoms are getting better light then they used to so i think this helped a lot. any better ideas? the light is a air cooled hood with a 1000w eye super hps.and i have 11,, 3ft-5ft plants under it.


Well-Known Member
blocks under the shorter plants to keep all the tops level and keep the older plants in the center and the younger ones around the edge. The plants use more light in late flowering than in early flowering so you want the older ones in the center.


Well-Known Member
thats pretty much how it is the taller older ones are closer and the shorter ones are on 5 gal buckets about 3 inches farther away.


Well-Known Member
how much difference will a foot and a half close to the light make? any other ideas i'm open for them.?