i have aphids and need topping help


well i have aphids so is that bad? not even too many. and i topped it and i need help with pictures on how to properly top?


Active Member
Try drowning them in water with added h2o2, that is prob the cheapest way. They will multiply and kill your crop(s) quicker than you can think it's just a small problem. The expensive way that is very effective, buy: azetrol. It will kill any aphid problem you have. Follow the directions (or ask rollitup for help) BUT WEAR GLOVES!!! Don't get it on your skin.
Honestly you can find a video of how to top on youtube. Then it's cut and dry, someone will show you how.


Active Member
I had a gnat issue a week or two ago went out and got some Gnats/Aphid sticks from the hydro shop in my town.
Yellow fly paper stuck to a stick that goes down in the soil. They worked great for the ones already flying around but the young ones soon took flight.
So i went out and got some Neem Oil yesterday and all seems better over night! Anyways those Gnat/Aphid sticks were only $5.00 for a box and they seem to be working great teamed
with the Neem. I just wish i had bought the Neem the same time i got the sticks.