i think she's dying help!


Well-Known Member
I agree, looks over watered and maybe it's drowning. Make sure you have proper drainage, because those roots might need some Oxygen.


Well-Known Member
No you don't need a larger pot yet. You can go a bit longer in those pots but I would recommend a gallon of soil for every foot of vertical growth. You can pick up some buckets at home depot that work really well for 2.50 a piece. And FF soil is awesome (esp. ocean forest), so you shouldn't have to worry about that.


Well-Known Member
Just let the soil dry out a bit, don't worry too much about the lower leaves as long as new growth is still promoted and all the leaves don't turn that nasty yellow. Just cut the tip off and check the soil again in 24 hours. If the top inch is dry then water up. Never water more than once every 24 hours, they really don't need it.

james leonard

Active Member
Well I only water maybe every 4 days I use the finger test and if it feels dry 2-3 inches down then I water is that incorrect?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's right, but if it's every 4 days then maybe it's not drying out fast enough which leads me to believe that you don't have proper drainage. A plant that size should absorb all moisture within a day or 2..


Well-Known Member
Do you have holes drilled in the bottom of your pots? Is water actually draining at all?

If you do, then you might want to consider some more intense lighting that will help dry it up faster. What kind of lights do you have?


Well-Known Member
Cut back the amount of water then. Try maybe 10 ounces of water per feeding. Wait until the leaves start to droop a little before watering too.