I was stoned, so I took pictures of a mantis


Well-Known Member
Well as the story goes, I was BAKED. And it was my turn to cook dinner tonight. We were having hamburgers and hotdogs so I went outside to prep the grill.

As I was cleaning out the grill, I looked down at my feet and saw a praying mantis just chillin' there. Minding it's own business, not a care in the world. It didn't seem to mind me nearly stepping on it. But it sure gave me a scare when I saw it. It went like "WHOA SHIT! Whoa......a mantis....awesome." So I ran inside and grabbed the camera

My camera is an expensive piece of equipment. I think its a 6.1 mega pixel. But all in all it takes a professional picture with every shot. Even a child can use it.
I snapped 21 pictures of the creature and added 11 to my photo album. It seemed as though the thing was tracking my every move. His feelers were moving around and his little head was watching me. Every time I moved to a new position to snap a picture of him, his tiny head was following my movements. It was amazing. But yet again, when your high EVERYTHING is amazing.

What a coincidence that I stumbled upon this beautiful creature while I was high as hell. And with the stunning clarity of the pictures I took with my camera, you too can feel the amazing, hypnotizing sight of this amazing creature. Earth stuns me.

But enough of my blabbing, here is the address to my album!
wesderf/mantis - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

So what do you think? Pretty good pictures for being high when I took them eh?


Well-Known Member
That thing was at least 6 inches long. What amazed me is how similar it's body is to a twig. If you look at the picture mantis1.jpg, you can really see the detail in it's body. It looks like a twig with a little plant matter attached to it. Flawless camouflage that's for sure.

Sure I could have caught it, but I don't have that much of a garden. So I just shooed it away with my toe so it didn't get burned by the grill. He chilled next to me the whole time I was grilling. It was awesome.

As that guy says on the discovery channel; even if you were a science-fiction writer you couldn't come up with something like the amazing creatures that populate our mother earth. :)


Well-Known Member
i seen two albino ones with red eyes in the same day but on opposite sides of tow. they are rare in ontario though