I'm going to run for Prez in 2012


New Member
OK here is my plan. I'm going to run for president of the US in 2012 here is my platform.

1) lets legalize marijuana and take advantage of all the things this plant can do for us.

2) accountability, the budget and expedatures of the us government will be reviewed. They can think if it like an audit. Any questionable purchases will be researched and if they are found to be inappropriate then the purchaser will end up in court for embezzlement and miss use of gov. funds.

3) politicians will no longer be allowed to vote for their own raises. It will become a ballot issue for the people, (does congress deserve a cost of living raise check yes or no)

4) Congress will also take a pay cut. They are being paid to much already, they can tighten their belts a little.

5) downsizing federal, state and local governments, there are too many people with their hands in the pie. Too many relatives being paid to not even show up and do anything.

6) we are past needing to pay ex-presidents when they leave office. That was put into effect because Abe Lincolns wife died a pauper. Well I don't see any ex presidents having any sort of financial trouble so they can stop getting paid when they leave office. IF for some reason they have problems down the line, they can recieve financial help after they've sold all their stuff, moved into a small home, etc. just like you and me, then they will qualify for foodstamps and welfare, just like you and me.

7) "Non of these candidates" needs to be a standard ballot option. When the choices suck who do you pick? The devil or his boy? It doesn't matter they'll both screw us over. That write in thing was designed to fail, by people who needed it to fail to stay in power.

A lot of the problems in America are due to the fact that the people that are supposed to be looking out for us are only looking out for their own bank accounts. We need to clean up Washington. They're taking us for a ride and we just let them. Government should fear the people, not the people fear the government.



Miss Hester for president in 2012 :joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
for the last time... it's not the end of the world! just a shift in consciousness, a new age of enlightenment, or nothing at all. lol