In-Fighting In Colorado


Well-Known Member
Do we have any Colorado folks here?

I am reading today that there are 8 Initiatives on for 2012 in Colorado.

Each allows 6 plants and no public consumption.

Why so many and didn't you guys see the mess prop-19 in-fighting caused us?

Why are we are still fighting?



New Member
HAHAHA! The first line in the first article.

"You would think a bunch of cannabis users would be able to come together and cooperate with level heads; after all, isn’t that one of the stereotypes of “stoners?” We don’t fight among ourselves, and we pull together for the common good of ending cannabis prohibition."

LOL Obviously the writer's never been to RIU before.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA! The first line in the first article.

"You would think a bunch of cannabis users would be able to come together and cooperate with level heads; after all, isn’t that one of the stereotypes of “stoners?” We don’t fight among ourselves, and we pull together for the common good of ending cannabis prohibition."

LOL Obviously the writer's never been to RIU before.

Obviously :) I think I'll do an invite.. Everyone deserves to suffer is our motto.


Active Member
Do we have any Colorado folks here?

Why so many
Good question.

didn't you guys see the mess prop-19 in-fighting caused us?
No, we were too busy watching the MMJ amendment to our state constitution being eroded by bills like 1284 and 1073.

Why are we are still fighting?
That's a big can of worms that I don't really want to open with my fifth post on this forum. :mrgreen: Let's just say that MMJ has become big business in CO and a lot of people in the MMJ and legalization movements are giant douches who only look out for themselves.

That said, CO has a better chance of legalizing it than CA if for no other reason than the fact that Coloradans, in general, are more educated than Californians. The camel's nose is already under the tent thanks to MMJ and I think CO voters will be smart enough to accept that reality.


Well-Known Member

Good question.

No, we were too busy watching the MMJ amendment to our state constitution being eroded by bills like 1284 and 1073.

That's a big can of worms that I don't really want to open with my fifth post on this forum. :mrgreen: Let's just say that MMJ has become big business in CO and a lot of people in the MMJ and legalization movements are giant douches who only look out for themselves.

That said, CO has a better chance of legalizing it than CA if for no other reason than the fact that Coloradans, in general, are more educated than Californians. The camels' nose is already under the tent thanks to MMJ and I think CO voters will be smart enough to accept that reality.

You mean that people are fighting about legalizing cannabis profits over legalizing cannabis>?

:) Your fifth post in this forum? Run while you can ... JK

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
My problem is the limitations being put on legalization movements. Anybody can see that the problems with cannabis are because it's illegal and not the other way around. Once it's illegal and the supply is limited and demand rises, there are criminal organizations profiting from it so by limiting it your only minimizing the problems. If it's limited, than it still invites criminals, rippers, and inflation, and tax money wasted on regulating the laws. It also puts all the profits in the hands of a select few companies while the people who actually made the changes get the shaft in the end. It's like they have a monopoly and we are limited to what we can provide for ourselves and that's not fair. If they truly just legalized it, supply and demand would stabilize over time and the cream would rise to the top. People who had a real passion for it could have outlets to follow a career in it or whatever and it would save elctricity and help with pollution too.:mrgreen: