is 8 pounds good?

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
ok well you guys are newbs to the prehistoric era because my plant i grew by the cute smile of my GF and 10 fire flys, dried weight was 756.84 lbs and i that was SOG !

but seriously i laughed my way through this whole thread!!! lmao


Well-Known Member
Im new to growing as most of you know,and i just harvested my first indoor plant i got 8 pounds dried is this good for a first time,and the second time around should i be able to double that.Because i will be going from a 400 hps to a 600 hps.The seeds came from an archeologist who found them in a clay pot dateing back 5000 years,he believes they came from the period of the biblical giant.
...that seed was the size of a coconut I bet