Is it normal for young plants to lean to the side?


Hey guys, it's been 10 days since I planted and everything's going well however when I checked my plants today I saw that one of them is noticeably leaning to the side. I'd also say this appears to be the healthiest looking and fastest growing of the plants though. Is this normal? If not, what should I do?


Well-Known Member
Just move it right add more substrate if needed, at 10 days it should be a solid plant already.
Make sure it is not too wet, if it feels heavy and soggy go put it outside a bit.


Well-Known Member
Take a twist tie, wrap a little loop in one end around the stem, not a tight loop, a loose one. Then bend it down and stick the other end in the medium, or clip it to the side of the pot if it's a small pot. It's very common for seedlings to be top heavy and fall completely over before they get woody stems. Doesn't need to be a twist tie, just something to hold it up. I find twist ties work well and I usually have some around.