Join the cause Be the effect Spread the Solution A peaceful revolution to soverigenty


Active Member
Here is a cause that I have joined at facebook from Ron Paul. I am sure that not all persons will be able or willing to join or take action on all these items However... there is much to be said for the peaceful revolution to take back our soverigenty.

1. Stop Paying all of our Mortgages, 'they' can't foreclose everyone's house!
2. Take all of our money out of the banks together.
Through 'fractional reserve lending' banks only have 10% of the money they 'hold' available for withdraws. It's a fraud
3. Stop paying all loans to the banks; credit cards; student loans; etc.
4. Take the license plates off our vehicles that allow us to be tracked, traced, & databases.
5. Have a 1-2 year food/water supply to hold us over while the peaceful revolution brings about a new legitimate constitutional government and economy.
6. Read the Constitution, not propaganda by main stream media.
The international bankers lobbied Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The Federal Reserve is a group of unelected private bankers that control the money supply.

$1.00 in 1913 now equals .04 cents. Another way to look at it it, is $22.00 dollars in 1913 now equals $1.00. These are figures are accurate, look it up.

However, these are the figures the Private International Bankers report. Congress, nor anyone has the ability to audit the Federal Reserve to verify any real figures. Many feel the real inflation is much higher. For example, 'the banker bail out of 2008' was first reported to be 700 billion; or $700,000,000,000.00 However, months later it was quietly reported that the actual number is 5 trillion. Later, some reported it could be up as much as 30 trillion. We don't know, because we can't audit the Federal Reserve.

Ron Paul had a bill to audit the Private bank; HR 1207. It was popular in the congress with 335 sponsors, However, failed in the senate.

The Constitution says only congress has the authority to coin money, (not private international unelected bankers). And only gold and silver backed currency shall be legal tender.

Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard completely in 1971. Before that, foreign countries could interchange their US debt because $35.00 was equal to 1 ounce of Gold. The international private bankers knew the responsibility of a sound currency hurt their ability to print more money irrespectively to gold.

John F. Kennedy wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve. We all know what happened to him.

In short, our banking system is a fraudulent system. The money we borrow to buy the most important things like our houses and cars was printed with out restraint of the the gold standard, and with out congress knowing how often the Federal Reserve increases the money supply. Ron Paul calls this 'creating money out of thing air'.

Many recognize we need a Revolution. Most prefer a peaceful revolution. So the only solution, is to stop fueling the system of fraudulent debt that is printed out of thin air.

On July 4th, Independence Day 2012, We will all unite, and our peaceful Revolution will begin. Everyone must stop paying our Mortgages, Credit Cards, Car Loans, and Student loans to the International Bankers that virtually printed the money out of nothing from the beginning.

We need to stop paying the banks; period. Not for one day, not for one month, but forever.

Make sure we have a 1-2 year food and water supply saved, and we will win. It will take some time for a constitutional government to emerge.

  1. The United States are on a Fiat currency
  2. Our Currency is printed at the will of the Federal Reserve, congress nor the people don't know how much they are even printing
  3. Gold doesn't go up in price; the value of the dollar does. It takes more dollars to buy the same peice of gold.
  4. In 1971 Nixon closed the gold window, Gold was $35 and oz. Now it's $1,200.00 an oz. It takes more paper to buy the same item.
  5. Inflations is a hidden tax, Wages never keep up with inflation. The Fed prints money in secret, then loans it out with interest


Well-Known Member
I agree with what you say. But have fun being the guy buying 100lbs of canned beans.
We'll see what happens when get closer to 2012.

Theres a real protedt going on June 7th in DC against good ole boy Tim Geitner and the rest of the corporate whores who allowed this "financial reform".