Kool-Aid and Molasses


Well-Known Member
alright i fed her plain distilled h20, she soaked up 2 20oz servings! i wanna take pix but i dont like interrupting her dark periods. also i prepared a few jiffy cups and a 4" pot for some seeds i got from a friend who had some gas (chronic)! but theirs was super DRY. i like my smoke dry but slightly moist, fresh like. i figure i get a mother out of those and a few clones plus i wanna grow carnations for my girl in the same area using equal methods and keep a journal here...


Well-Known Member
what up my people, jus burned a joint. i never take the time to realize how zooted u get off 1 joint to urself. anyway i forgot to take pix today of my girl, but i did cut the very top of her right above the bud site then i split it hoping to make 4 main tops/colas? im reading and using my mother as my guinea pig, as i plan to repot into a 5gal bucket if not bigger and continue her growing until i get my degree in botany or horticulture or whatever.


Well-Known Member
ill be going back to school so it wont be that hard as now i know what to expect and wont be as shocked by the freedom. i digress, im starting a real hydroponic grow but w/carnations first (my girlfriends) then i plan to buy some seeds off the net and give them a go. my main lady is good but no buds yet. this will be week 3 of flower. til next tine good burning.


Well-Known Member
ill be going back to school so it wont be that hard as now i know what to expect and wont be as shocked by the freedom. i digress, im starting a real hydroponic grow but w/carnations first (my girlfriends) then i plan to buy some seeds off the net and give them a go. my main lady is good but no buds yet. this will be week 3 of flower. til next tine good burning.

Your not seeing any white pistils or anything?


Well-Known Member
i aint seen not a nann nother ball or pistil, but my eyes arent trained to spot sex either. ill post pix when its "daytime"/lights on, im an adamant believer in completely pitch black sleep periods for my ladies. smokere ill have some pix up around 2pm est. til then good burning.


Well-Known Member
what it is my people? alright so one night i got really zooted and miscalculated my time in flowering period, i am actually in the middle of my 3rd wk. also i read a thread on here that outlined the 3 stages of flowering: prep, products, plush. ill explain it in da next post. but she has mad lil white hairs on the stem and now its travelin to the tips apparently. also my nutes are rank wit the molasses in it, is that cool?


Well-Known Member
prep-the 1st 3rd of flowering where the plant is "stretching/bracing" itself to bare its buds products-the 2nd and most anticipated stage of flowering, where she starts to produce her fruit, and how sweet they are. plush-the 3rd n last stage of flowering, when the lady has shown u all she has to offer, they get bigger. hence plush. this was jus a simple way to help me remember this stuff, like memory shorthand. so if not accurate let me know. respect and good burning


Well-Known Member
Look right inside the internodes and you willl either see a white hair(s) or little ball looking things. Look in the growfaqs, I'm pretty sure they have pictures in there.


Well-Known Member
yea i plan to, im getting the internet now. im limited to seeing only the first 16th of any pic. good look wit the advice smoker. speaking of... how did u come up wit smokere? i think i have a pretty good idea but could be wrong in da end


Well-Known Member
any new pix..how bout some "upskirt" shots of that girlie? I wanna see her "pubes"...thats wrong on so many levels lol


Well-Known Member
any new pix..how bout some "upskirt" shots of that girlie? I wanna see her "pubes"...thats wrong on so many levels lol
that was jus nnot right, but i come bearing gifts

updated pic taken today, half of her has been trimmed/pruned for better light penetration the other half has minimal trimming.

old pic (1 wk ago +/-)

u can see how she is significantly denser on the right side

...how bout those for "pube" shots or do i need to take some "britney spears party girl" shots? lol now that was wrong but it felt so good :hump:


Well-Known Member

damn man, she looks nice! she's stretching quite a bit, U'll pull at least an oz off of her..

any chance of getting a few more CFL's in there? how about making a few reflectors from pop cans or something to direct more light towards the bud? how much nutes/molasses/kool aid are U giving her now?

how are those clones doing? hopefully they have roots already since U dont have a humidity dome over em..

this grow seems to be doing pretty well. nice job


Well-Known Member
yeah matter of fact i do wanna add a few more, but i havent been able to find the link to the DIY thread, any help??? nutes, she gets wit a 2-3 tablespoons (per gallon) of molasses at full strength. i abandoned the kool-aid concept for the time being, and am going to reserve that for my hydro grow seeing as it would probably do better and have more immediate/subtle effects. and the clones are fine awaiting their first taste of red koolaid lol and what purpose does a humidity dome serve other than the obvious, and is their a DIY thread anywhere? and does anybody have a readily pic of one? i can probably concauct one up out of a tupperware salad bowl, if my mental visualization is correct.


Well-Known Member
yeah matter of fact i do wanna add a few more, but i havent been able to find the link to the DIY thread, any help???

To build this reflector you will need a regular soda can, any brand will do, which you will need to rinse thoroughly until no residue is left inside. You will also need a good pair or scissor and a robust kitchen knife to cut the metal accordingly. An alternate method to remove the lid, would be to use a can opener. The lip of the lid can be used, and it will cut it cleanly. These tools should be chosen carefully as they will determine over failure or success of this construction. A lack of caution and a sharp metal edge can be fatal to your fingertips so think twice if your tools are capable of doing the job.

How and where to cut:
Firstly, draw a plan of your cutting path on the outside of the can using a permanent marker or a wax crayon. This will aid you to get a better overview of you plan and to avoid silly mistakes on the way.

Cutting the top part of the can out needs to be done first, adjusting the opening according to the size of your bulb. You do not have to cut it exactly to shape as glue (super or high-temp hot glue) can be used to stick the reflector to the bulb ballast later on. A can opener is the preffered tool for this job. The reflector is purposely not covering the ballast to ensure good aeration and to avoid damage to the ballast components, resulting in a short circuit.

Next, you will need to cut the main part of your soda can in half using your scissors. A hole may need to be drilled first using your kitchen knife to get a good starting point for the scissors.

The inside of the can is coated with a thin plastic layer that should not cause any trouble cutting through the sheet metal. The bottom side of the can does not have to remain in place but leaving it will add stability to the reflector and enhance the reflectivity. An extra hole can be cut into the bottom as well to improve ventilation along the bulb or to connect a 50mm pc-fan to the end.

Lastly, two more cuts have to be made into the sides of the semi-circle reflector to ensure that the sides do not reflect the light back to its origin but rather focus it to where it is needed. The reflector can now be bent according to your light requirements thus making it possible to focus it directly on your plants. If your reflector does not quite fit the bulb yet you can now use glue to stick it to the ballast.

what purpose does a humidity dome serve other than the obvious, and is their a DIY thread anywhere? and does anybody have a readily pic of one?
since the clones might not have a root system yet they need to be fed thru their leaves. wirhout a humidity dome over them the water from when u spray them might evaporate into the air before the plant can absorb it which might cause them to die. humidity domes help to maintain moisture in the air giving the clones a better chance of absorbing water thru their leaves until they have roots. also the higher the humidity the less frequent you will have to spray them. I always soak my clones with the sprayer and then a couple sprays on the dome once a day



Well-Known Member
since the clones might not have a root system yet they need to be fed thru their leaves. wirhout a humidity dome over them the water from when u spray them might evaporate into the air before the plant can absorb it which might cause them to die. humidity domes help to maintain moisture in the air giving the clones a better chance of absorbing water thru their leaves until they have roots. also the higher the humidity the less frequent you will have to spray them. I always soak my clones with the sprayer and then a couple sprays on the dome once a day


okay, from what i understand u "water" the dome and that in turns waters your plant??? almost like gravity motivated irrigation, am i wrong? im doin a few searches to enlighten myself but havent come up wit much