Latest john conroy interview aout what he expects to see August 24th


Well-Known Member
At least John sounds hopeful. He understood Phelan's decision the same way we did, so August 24 will be an interesting day.I was really hoping this ridiculous war was over...but I'll send Conroy my list in case we go back to court.


Well-Known Member
Pretty straightforward stuff, he's bang about 6 plant count not cutting it. Essentially that puts the court in the role of a doctor in determining dosage.

Fingers crossed, hopefully the liberals were just sniffing glue or something when they wrote C-14. If not they're obviously committed to challenging it so that's a good sign.


Well-Known Member

“Whatever they do, it’s going to have to be subject to variation, depending upon what the doctor or healthcare practitioner and patient determine to be the appropriate dosage, depending upon methods of consumption, whether it’s going to be a juice or tea or edibles or smoked or vaporized. There’s all these different methods of ingestion which involve different amounts being required. Whatever they do it will have to be subject to variation. If they set it at a fixed number, it will not provide reasonable access for some, and we’ll be back in court on that issue.”



Well-Known Member
They'll be off to their Docs.
COmplaining about HEAD PAIN due to loss of funds and
......the people NOT LISTENING...

Boo Hooo..