LED light that can yeild 200-300 grams


I know their are other factors that deal with this but Im new to using LED's and want to know what LED could help me yeild that amount. I hear that it's possible to get gram a watt but Im not certain but if so does that include ppl that use soil instead of hydro?


Well-Known Member
there's even a STICKY at the top of the LED area for questions like this.

Thanks for wasting time, space, etc.

Take some time, have patience, and read. You can't plant a seed today and crop tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, very general question Tman, you'll need to do some reading. From what iv'e seen of the journals on here it is only really the better (ie $7-800+) LED production lights or well thought out DIY'er getting those sort of yields.


I just want to know If anyone has yeilded 200-300grams with LEDS and if what kind did they get. Ive been looking for yeilds from ppl's setup all over this forum and haven't found a single thing. If Im wasting your time why post anything at all?

Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
It's hard to determine. Most people aim for ~1gpw. You should be thinking in this range, imo. 200-300 grams = 200-300Watts.

Area51 is spoken of very well around here. What brand you get depends on your budget, really.


Well-Known Member
I probably get around 300 grams per AF-600 (590watts)... they are on sale right now too ... I have to do a run that I veg a bunch of plants and flower them all at once to really know what kind of yield i could get since almost everything I do is 12/12 from seed.

you know some people dont dry their weed all that much ... 1 gram per watt is not that easy and you need to have everything dialed.

EDIT i grow in soil