Liberty > Security


Well-Known Member
its only .46 guns per person in switzerland according to wikki also they have manidtory national service it seems they breed a much better population that can be trusted with their guns...

In Switzerland the Government ISSUES a rifle to every household, When your in the Swiss Army, you take your army rifle home with you after your service is up. The Wiki method of guns per capita is flawed for a couple of reasons. first off wiki is counting the entire population, it should only count the adults. next wiki doesn't count the "issued" guns, only the privately owned ones and there have no idea REALLY how many private guns there are, some estimates are from 1.2 million to over 20 million. 7.5 million is the population of Swiss Citizens and 23% of those are under the age of 20, so lets extrapolate the data and see if we can come up with a per capita that we can both agree on. 7.5 mill x 23% =1,725,000 so of the population approx 5.75 million are adults and if you divide that by an average of 10 million private guns you come up with 1.7 guns per person. That doesn't include all the military rifles, so my number of 8 was way high, but your .46 is way too low, I guess I would be comfortable with 2/per adult. Which is still twice the # of the USA. Switzerland had 34 killings last year. 17 were from a loony who shot one of the Canton's parliaments up killing 16 before turning the gun on himself. Pretty safe place to live. For the USA to compete with those numbers we would have to have a yearly killing of less than 1200, alas ours was 16,700 Murders, which does not take into account suicides or self defense or manslaughter. the Swiss numbers take into account all people killed by someone else no matter the cause.


Well-Known Member
its only .46 guns per person in switzerland according to wikki also they have manidtory national service it seems they breed a much better population that can be trusted with their guns...

In Switzerland the Government ISSUES a rifle to every household, When your in the Swiss Army, you take your army rifle home with you after your service is up. The Wiki method of guns per capita is flawed for a couple of reasons. first off wiki is counting the entire population, it should only count the adults. next wiki doesn't count the "issued" guns, only the privately owned ones and there have no idea REALLY how many private guns there are, some estimates are from 1.2 million to over 20 million. 7.5 million is the population of Swiss Citizens and 23% of those are under the age of 20, so lets extrapolate the data and see if we can come up with a per capita that we can both agree on. 7.5 mill x 23% =1,725,000 so of the population approx 5.75 million are adults and if you divide that by an average of 10 million private guns you come up with 1.7 guns per person. That doesn't include all the military rifles, so my number of 8 was way high, but your .46 is way too low, I guess I would be comfortable with 2/per adult. Which is still twice the # of the USA. Switzerland had 34 killings last year. 17 were from a loony who shot one of the Canton's parliaments up killing 16 before turning the gun on himself. Pretty safe place to live. For the USA to compete with those numbers we would have to have a yearly killing of less than 1200, alas ours was 16,700 Murders, which does not take into account self defense or manslaughter. the Swiss numbers take into account all people killed by someone else no matter the cause.


Well-Known Member
In Switzerland the Government ISSUES a rifle to every household, When your in the Swiss Army, you take your army rifle home with you after your service is up. The Wiki method of guns per capita is flawed for a couple of reasons. first off wiki is counting the entire population, it should only count the adults. next wiki doesn't count the "issued" guns, only the privately owned ones and there have no idea REALLY how many private guns there are, some estimates are from 1.2 million to over 20 million. 7.5 million is the population of Swiss Citizens and 23% of those are under the age of 20, so lets extrapolate the data and see if we can come up with a per capita that we can both agree on. 7.5 mill x 23% =1,725,000 so of the population approx 5.75 million are adults and if you divide that by an average of 10 million private guns you come up with 1.7 guns per person. That doesn't include all the military rifles, so my number of 8 was way high, but your .46 is way too low, I guess I would be comfortable with 2/per adult. Which is still twice the # of the USA. Switzerland had 34 killings last year. 17 were from a loony who shot one of the Canton's parliaments up killing 16 before turning the gun on himself. Pretty safe place to live. For the USA to compete with those numbers we would have to have a yearly killing of less than 1200, alas ours was 16,700 Murders, which does not take into account suicides or self defense or manslaughter. the Swiss numbers take into account all people killed by someone else no matter the cause.
whatever the end gun rate is it still shows that the swiss can be trusted with their guns. whereas the usa with more guns has a population that cant be trusted with them. its all well and good bringing them up as a safe country (with guns) untill you bring in the usa a not safe country (with guns)...
perhaps the swiss model of society is better than usa?


Well-Known Member
He never says they were preparing for Martial law, only that they were training heavily for national emergencies. He also never says they admitted to anything, only that they did not, but that he got the feeling something was withheld by the downward glance. People who look away are most likely uncomfortable for some reason. Usually this reason is deception of some kind. I think you read way way more into this than what was said. He didn't say one bad thing about the military, not one thing, yet you attack him like you did is just reprehensible behavior IMO.
I called him on what he claimed. Nothing more, nothing less. Call it an "attack" if you will; I call bullshit when I see it, just as you and countless others here do. I added a sarcastic remark, inquiring about said "martial law" preparations and his knowledge of chain of command, etc., but sarcasm does not make my stance wrong.

Implying that Natl Guardsmen were "withholding information" when asked about martial law (why the hell did he ask that anyway, instead of simply asking what the emergency for which they were preparing was?) is nothing more than an attempt to get others worked up over... absolutely nothing.

I will repeat: soldiers are not to discuss their orders with just any Joe Shmoe. Period. There have been times that my man couldn't say this or that to me, and guess what? He'd usually cast a "downward glance" when in the position of having to carefully pick and choose what to say to me. There are times when people have to keep their mouths shut; be it military, or company trade secrets... but for some reason it's perfectly OK for corporate executives to keep their secrets while it's simultaneously not OK for soldiers (or anyone else involved in national security) to do the same. Asking people for information they are not at liberty to discuss will often make them uncomfortable. Not every downward glance (nor sideways for that matter) of silence equates deception. Paranoia in the face of expected silence is a bit ridiculous, IMNSHO.

Again, it was either made up or it was sheer paranoia. The story portrayed as told is far from realistic, and I don't buy it. I already said why. Twice now.

Actually, he did ask a question about martial law.............

You are correct though in that he said they never admitted to anything. I also agree with you about not attacking people but I have to agree with Kat on this one. Low level enlisted National Guardsmen are NOT going to be privvy to information like that. Could they be training for something that may lead one to think they are preparing for martial law? Sure but the military doesn't give out this kind of information to grunts even if they are preparing for it. :bigjoint:
Thank you for reading what was there rather than what may have been "in between the lines," Doc. I don't go around arbitrarily and randomly "attacking" people. What you stated is what I was initially trying to convey, but as I said in a previous post, I'm going on no sleep today. I wouldn't have posted at all, had I not come across such a whopper. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Its the national Guard, there aren't a lot of secrets in the Guard because they are civilians for the most part. It is run much differently than the 3 full time services Navy , Army, Air Force and the one thats part of the Navy but kicks so much ass they get their own designation USMC. Officers and enlisted in the Nat. Guard do very often carouse together because for the most part they hang out with each other at home. If you are training for a National Disaster you are training for martial law but just haven't been told that part yet. There really isn't much difference IMO.


Well-Known Member
I called him on what he claimed. Nothing more, nothing less. Call it an "attack" if you will; I call bullshit when I see it, just as you and countless others here do. I added a sarcastic remark, inquiring about said "martial law" preparations and his knowledge of chain of command, etc., but sarcasm does not make my stance wrong.

Implying that Natl Guardsmen were "withholding information" when asked about martial law (why the hell did he ask that anyway, instead of simply asking what the emergency for which they were preparing was?) is nothing more than an attempt to get others worked up over... absolutely nothing.

I will repeat: soldiers are not to discuss their orders with just any Joe Shmoe. Period. There have been times that my man couldn't say this or that to me, and guess what? He'd usually cast a "downward glance" when in the position of having to carefully pick and choose what to say to me. There are times when people have to keep their mouths shut; be it military, or company trade secrets... but for some reason it's perfectly OK for corporate executives to keep their secrets while it's simultaneously not OK for soldiers (or anyone else involved in national security) to do the same. Asking people for information they are not at liberty to discuss will often make them uncomfortable. Not every downward glance (nor sideways for that matter) of silence equates deception. Paranoia in the face of expected silence is a bit ridiculous, IMNSHO.

Again, it was either made up or it was sheer paranoia. The story portrayed as told is far from realistic, and I don't buy it. I already said why. Twice now.

Thank you for reading what was there rather than what may have been "in between the lines," Doc. I don't go around arbitrarily and randomly "attacking" people. What you stated is what I was initially trying to convey, but as I said in a previous post, I'm going on no sleep today. I wouldn't have posted at all, had I not come across such a whopper. :lol:
No prob. I agree about the downward glance thing too. How do we know he wasn't thinking "Oh my god! Another paranoid Conspiracy Nut asking if we are about to instate martial law, round everybody up and take them to the concentration camps we've built, kill them and bury them in the plastic coffins we've been stockpiling!" If I were that Sgt. that's exactly what I would've been thinking.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Its the national Guard, there aren't a lot of secrets in the Guard because they are civilians for the most part. It is run much differently than the 3 full time services Navy , Army, Air Force and the one thats part of the Navy but kicks so much ass they get their own designation USMC. Officers and enlisted in the Nat. Guard do very often carouse together because for the most part they hang out with each other at home. If you are training for a National Disaster you are training for martial law but just haven't been told that part yet. There really isn't much difference IMO.
You need to know what's going on before you claim to know what's going on. Chain of command is still chain of command, orders and oaths are still orders and oaths. And missions are missions, and once ordered to a mission, the orders for that operation are just as "secret" for reserves as they are for active duty. Considering posts I've seen from others referring to your previous military enlistment, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. But for some reason you're twisting this into sounding like it could indeed be something it simply isn't, and I'm not going to sit idly by and have people be fed false information (or even hints and implications)... we've got enough to be upset about, and don't need to hear cries of "wolf" such as whopper told by qptyqpty.

I've got news for you: active duty soldiers have much more opportunity to "hang out with each other at home" because they are stationed together, whereas most of those in the Reserves don't live near each other and they certainly do not have anywhere near the networking as active duty soldiers do. The majority of Natl Guardsmen see each other at drills, AT, a "gathering" (such as Christmas parties) once or twice a year, and deployments. That's sure not much carousing now, is it?

Please don't play dumb, NoDrama; it doesn't suit you.

No prob. I agree about the downward glance thing too. How do we know he wasn't thinking "Oh my god! Another paranoid Conspiracy Nut asking if we are about to instate martial law, round everybody up and take them to the concentration camps we've built, kill them and bury them in the plastic coffins we've been stockpiling!" If I were that Sgt. that's exactly what I would've been thinking.:lol:
That's exactly what my hubby would have been thinking, as well. :lol: Which is why I couldn't remain silent about this bogus "withholding information when inquired about martial law" tale of a few sergeants.


Active Member

I call bullshit. You either made this up, or you have a very wild imagination (read: severe paranoia). Sergeants are not privy to conspiracy meetings, and aren't given the opportunity to withhold such information from civilians during casual conversation. Where was this martial law for which they were preparing? Or was this incident a secret after the fact, as well? (That would indeed be one hell of a conspiracy!)

Here's what I'd really love to know: What were these soldiers' responses to your "reminding" them of their oath they live every day of their lives?

I personally know more than my share of soldiers; very personally. Considering my Army Natl Guard Medic just came home on July 31 after a year of deployment to Iraq, is on standby to serve as a medic to assist in Haiti, and has been sent on several similar missions during his enlistment (i.e., to assist the evacuees during the inferno that consumed So. CA two years ago)... it's safe to say that I've an inkling or two about the military life. Oh yeah, and my dad and uncles were all Army or USMC, and my ex-husband was USMC (during Desert Storm at that, so I've been on the homefront for Iraqi conflicts twice).

Your "they were preparing for martial law conspiracy" would have been a tad more convincing had you said you'd had privilege of talking with some Natl Guard big brass. Or are you not aware of chain of command? :roll: Newsflash: they're not allowed to discuss their orders, period. Of course they're not going to discuss their orders (whatever they know in advance about them, that is) with civilians in casual conversation; of course you're going to think they're "withholding information" because they're not allowed to talk about their orders. See, that would compromise security... I know, such a nasty word.

Granted, it's not the "popular" thing to speak in favor of soldiers nowadays. That's fine, I don't need to be the popular girl; middle school was a very long time ago, and I'm quite over it. I will add that while I stand by my soldiers, that doesn't mean that I'm "for" war. However, I won't sit here and defend myself for holding the "unpopular" opinion. I don't give a rat's ass about fads. I do, however, give a huge rat's ass about tall tales, and I've absolutely had it with our soldiers being slammed left and right for having the courage to do take on jobs that their "slammers" won't.

That's what I wanted to know too, so I Googled "Clinton 1993 Boston Globe fixed desire preserve rights ordinary Americans" with a few variations for the search, and each result turned up the exact same thing... the partial quote in this thread, cited as, "President William Clinton, March 1, 1993 during a press conference in Piscataway, NJ source: Boston Globe, 3/2/93, page 3" for sources. So far I've found nothing more than what was quoted here; no more, no less. I guess the rest is lost. :lol: I'm not advocating the partial quote, but without seeing it in its entirety and completely within context, I can't condemn either. Without the entire statement intact, we can't possibly know exactly what was being conveyed.

Ok, I see no harm in being defensive. Im not saying they admitted to gearing up for Martial Law, but merely my beleif that they are getting closer to it due to many observances. All Im saying is be prepared, even if it means keeping your own eyes open.

So anyway heres the deal. I was at the armory for official business, and I just happened to be sitting and chatting with the folks working behind the desks. Recruitment is up, because of the economy, but down otherwise, that the armories in the area are quite pleasant, yada yada. I had to speak with four staff sergeants, and though eloquent communication, I simply asked if they were preparing for a national emergency. There was no elaboration beyond such; he could have been insinuating mitigating the damage from hungry folks who realize this summer that last years crop came up short. Or perhaps in foresight of another harrowing ice storm like we had last year. All I asked was national emergency. Anybody in the military that can rub two brain cells together can tell if they are gearing up for something.

I remember such gearing up for war before we dropped the loads on afghanistan, prior to the Iraqi.2 war. Sergeants were calling going to war while the NCOs had their heads in their asses afraid to say one way or another. All I asked for was the bare minimum, so please, enough with the accusative attitude.

The response from my reminder of their Oath to the United States was a nod, and a shake of the had. I think that says enough.

Your third paragraph I have to say thanks for those in your family who have had the honor of serving the people of the United States of America and I hope they continue to do so in earnest. I have served in the military and I am a disabled vet; I My father was Army, My grandfathers were Navy, My Great Uncle was Army and along down the line there were more who served in their respected countries so please, spare me the rhetoric. Military men are to be respected, period. They put their lives and rights before anything else, to ensure this country is free. However, the human mind is fragile, and subject to easy psychological manipulation.

More soldiers are coming home and killing themselves than are dying in the field of battle. I myself felt as if I were a stormtrooper guarding someone elses goodies when overseas. I have several friends who have come back from various branches of service and are either pill heads, or some form of substance abuser. Why?

In my area I have noticed more "green" (domestic - rather than going to be sent overseas to the sandbox) vehicles, specifically HEMMT, HMMWV, portable connexes, EDS (Emergency Disaster Services) Trailers and mobile command posts... I will follow up edit this post to include some "suspicious" pictures.

My local National Guard Armory has been drilling two times during the 5-day workweek and 3 out of 4 weekends since September when I started keeping track. They have left somewhere 2 times in greyhound buses since then as well.

I am not trying to incite a riot or inflame emotions, I am just reporting my findings. If you think I am bullshitting, thats fine, everyone has their choice to beleive someone's word or not. However, for your viewing pleasure, I am going to try to find some "suspicious pictures" I have been gathering, as some quasi-supporting evidence.

Now, I want to also say I am not using this rebuttal to try in any way to incite Katatawnik; it is simply a rebuttal. I feel you have me wrong, friend. I am but a traveling bard.

Ok back since I read more of the posts. Serving in the military is different than supporting the military as well. While I am not saying that the families of servicemembers do not feel an incredible strain, they still do not know the soldier's struggle. I also know that you seem to understand rules of keeping your mouth shut, but A) some people cannot keep their mouth shut and B) if you are, for example, an Oathkeeper ( you might want to pass on important information to a fellow Oathkeeper. Hmm. Again, an example of one of those things you have to serve and make the Oath to understand. That was actually a poke by me, and I apologize, but your post annoyed me.


Active Member
Now, this is once again just some pics of "curious" spottings. Lots of EDS trailers in one spot. I passed by there this weekend and the number has grown, to include one big tech-y looking box, several fenced in areas, and the original building had a 3 story elevator. When they knocked down the big hotel, the inner steel frame was left intact, as well as the elevator shaft, which sits eerily like a guardtower. All I am saying is it gives me the jeebs and looks like too much together coincidentally.

Above orange fence has been replaced with a thick, two sided black horse fence and tube gates, like a farm.

So what are those for? *shrug* one can only assume until they are put into use. Still, they give me the jeebs. Ill find some other "suspicious" stuff, its all the time around here.

Oh yeah last edit: Yes, I AM still on YOUR side. =)


Well-Known Member
I remember such gearing up for war before we dropped the loads on afghanistan, prior to the Iraqi.2 war. Sergeants were calling going to war while the NCOs had their heads in their asses afraid to say one way or another. All I asked for was the bare minimum, so please, enough with the accusative attitude.
Sergeants are NCOs.

You say you served in the military, as well as pretty much your entire family. Why, then, would you refer to sergeants and NCOs as two completely different entities? Little "slips" like this can be nothing more, but it leaves questions in its wake. Before accusing me of accusing, put yourself in my shoes and you'll perhaps be reminded that you, too, would question.

The response from my reminder of their Oath to the United States was a nod, and a shake of the had. I think that says enough.
Sorry, but I'm just not buying this. Anyone can discern anything one chooses from a nod and/or shake of the head.

More soldiers are coming home and killing themselves than are dying in the field of battle. I myself felt as if I were a stormtrooper guarding someone elses goodies when overseas. I have several friends who have come back from various branches of service and are either pill heads, or some form of substance abuser. Why?
More soldiers? Really? You're saying that well over 4,000 soldiers have come home and killed themselves? Please elaborate on this, and don't forget to cite your sources.

Why? Because war can be a traumatic experience, and some people don't know how to deal nor how to get help for their issues, so they turn to pills, substances, etc. I don't know why you're asking the obvious, though. Out of all the soldiers I know, not one of them came home to start abusing themselves nor anyone else. I'm in no way insinuating that these are not real issues, but the fact remains that abuse of oneself and/or others is a choice, traumatized or not.

In my area I have noticed more "green" (domestic - rather than going to be sent overseas to the sandbox) vehicles, specifically HEMMT, HMMWV, portable connexes, EDS (Emergency Disaster Services) Trailers and mobile command posts... I will follow up edit this post to include some "suspicious" pictures.
How are military vehicles "suspicious" looking on a military base, armory, etc.? The photos you provided look absolutely normal. As a matter of fact, the armory down the street from me has always had more sitting there than what appears "suspicious" to you in the photos you provided.

My local National Guard Armory has been drilling two times during the 5-day workweek and 3 out of 4 weekends since September when I started keeping track. They have left somewhere 2 times in greyhound buses since then as well.
The Guard doesn't train at the armories. They meet there and do a head count (formation), then go from there to the post at which they'll be doing their maneuvers. They often are sent on buses; convoys of soldiers going down the highways... sound familiar? There are two bases/posts at which my hubby's unit trains during drills.

Ok back since I read more of the posts. Serving in the military is different than supporting the military as well. While I am not saying that the families of servicemembers do not feel an incredible strain, they still do not know the soldier's struggle.
Yes, that would be a given.

That was actually a poke by me, and I apologize, but your post annoyed me.
Well then, at least it was mutual. :lol: I still haven't slept, and I'm too tired to proofread... stick a fork in me, I am done!


Well-Known Member
There are 2 types of NCO, the corporal and sergeant kind, then there are the Staff NCO's, E-6 and above.


Active Member

Sergeants are NCOs.

You say you served in the military, as well as pretty much your entire family. Why, then, would you refer to sergeants and NCOs as two completely different entities? Little "slips" like this can be nothing more, but it leaves questions in its wake. Before accusing me of accusing, put yourself in my shoes and you'll perhaps be reminded that you, too, would question.

Sorry, but I'm just not buying this. Anyone can discern anything one chooses from a nod and/or shake of the head.

More soldiers? Really? You're saying that well over 4,000 soldiers have come home and killed themselves? Please elaborate on this, and don't forget to cite your sources.

Why? Because war can be a traumatic experience, and some people don't know how to deal nor how to get help for their issues, so they turn to pills, substances, etc. I don't know why you're asking the obvious, though. Out of all the soldiers I know, not one of them came home to start abusing themselves nor anyone else. I'm in no way insinuating that these are not real issues, but the fact remains that abuse of oneself and/or others is a choice, traumatized or not.

How are military vehicles "suspicious" looking on a military base, armory, etc.? The photos you provided look absolutely normal. As a matter of fact, the armory down the street from me has always had more sitting there than what appears "suspicious" to you in the photos you provided.

The Guard doesn't train at the armories. They meet there and do a head count (formation), then go from there to the post at which they'll be doing their maneuvers. They often are sent on buses; convoys of soldiers going down the highways... sound familiar? There are two bases/posts at which my hubby's unit trains during drills.

Yes, that would be a given.

Well then, at least it was mutual. :lol: I still haven't slept, and I'm too tired to proofread... stick a fork in me, I am done!

@the NCOs/sergeants comment; i am high when reading this board and am allowed to make some mistakes, my err =P I meant NCOs/Officers

@the nod; In my little ability to best determine a man's personal body language, it felt like mutual understanding and an internal hooah... but again, could just be me.


In 2004 the military started recording service member suicides. So remember, these figures are only from 2004 on.

[my totals deleted since im not doing math while high and not getting paid to do so.]

agh fuck it you parse the info as a service family member, I gotta say where you at on this? be more concerned:

the pictures werent taken anywhere near a guard armory or any other law enforcement or military area. It sticks out and I personally think it is suspicious. *shrug* Its in a spot where they torn down an old worn out motel.

Again, please spare the rhetoric.

Im here for you.

Blaze On


did you know?

there are currently more suicides than KIA overseas

interesting thought isnt it


Active Member
ah yeah sorry for threadjacking. =( =( =(

liberty certainly > security. Ill have both please. =)

freedom and a .45


New Member
Nominate and elect liberty minded Sheriffs as well.
The County Sheriff is the highest elected law enforcement officer in the country.
They are much more powerful then even they know.
How about Sherrif Joe Arpaio, LOL. Would you want to live in his jurisdiction? (Maricopa county Az.) A no nonsense ripper of human dignity and rights.


Active Member
We need to get our shit together and overturn shit like this. Giving our country away to anyone who will just accept some cash? What the FUCK? I immediately contacted both my representatives and my congressman since I have their cell numbers. I have emphatically voiced my opposition to this decision and requested to meet with my district rep to discuss further. It really is not hard. Also, im under 30, and well presented concerns are like a tazer. I have brought things to attention to those around me, and I have begun seeing almost whiplash reactions nowadays. 3 years ago, I couldnt process the amount of information I was taking in, let alone outprocess it correctly to people. However, with a lot of research and quite a bit of polishing, ive been able to give impromptu extemporaneous speeches to members of clergy, politicians, those in the area campaigning for jailor, magistrate, et al., local board of commerce, red cross, and many other places.

See, I used to think that I couldnt make a shit of a difference. But i am hard headed. I connect with everyone I talk to because I try to learn something from everyone. No matter what their story, I listen. Everyone has a story to tell. I have heard SO MANY stories, from crackheads on the train to New York City, to Schoolchildren in Saudi Arabia. Ive heard the plight of a mother whose son died in 9/11 and Ive had to give bad news to a terminally ill patient in a VA hopsital.

The thing that remains the same, through everything, is that everyone is concerned for the close future. Everyone, be it a petty theif or the McDonalds manager, the Prison Warden, or the Hospital Chief. Everyone it seems, except our own government, which continues to rape and plunder the United States, while YOU (directed at anyone who thinks they cannot make a difference, so offers nothing to society) sit idly by and do nothing.

Please pardon the Scripture reference, if you do not believe in Christianity, I simply request you read the following for its message:

Helpful Not Helpful
Deuteronomy 15:7-11 ESV / 3 helpful votes

“If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’ and your eye look grudgingly on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin. You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’
In the above quote, you can see the results of what people can do to help each other when they are able. You see, when we live in a welfare state, or socialist society, or whatever the novel title is these days, the government seems to think wealth redistribution is the answer to our economic woes. The sky will fall if we dont give money to wall street, pharmaceutical companies, the military industrial complex, health insurance companies, the federal reserve, banks, fuck. Does it SOUND like our government gives a FUCK about us? NO.

However, when people are not stripped of their wealth; when they are able to give money to help less fortunate, when they do not have to work 60-80 hours a week just to meet the needs of their family; when they are able, people have shown throughout history that compassion and generosity is prevalent when a society has more freedom. If I had $100 a month and cost of living was $10, I would have $90 to spend on novelties, save, or whatever. It would be easy to match the cost of living, so to reduce my coffers to $80 is no real deal. But when our $100 only has a buying power of $70, and COL is $50 because of monetary greed across the board (butterfly/ripple effect), I am left with $20 for any extras. These are completely fictional figures, used only as an example. I am a lot more willing to be generous when I have a larger sum of money in my pocket. Add to that everyone being thrifty like the fifties again, and everyone's quality of life will improve.

So, the very best thing you can do is to educate and talk. Become close friends with your neighbors. Seek to understand everyone around you. Volunteer. Go to a church of your liking, or meditate on shrooms. (for atheists? lol) Scrape some money together and go on a road trip to anywhere a $ amount of gas can get you, with little money for extras if need be. Expand your horizons, live like the fibonacci spiral. Learn always, refuse to have the wool pulled over your eyes, always challenge for a reason. Dont demand transparency, CREATE IT.


Sorry hehe. I got excited.

Illegal Smile

Show me anywhere in the world where there is liberty without security.


Active Member
I dont think you will find one, because law and justice is necessary to keep order in a "civilized" society. You just dont need to take away liberties in order to have more "security."

Law enforcement to solve domestic quarrels and a judiciary system that is morally subjective designed to take dangerous individuals off the streets, while those who can be rehabilitated can be broken of what society has created. It is never too late to start making change, no matter how short of time youve got.