licensed growing?trynna figure it out

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
So i know that in my in my state and like 13 others that when u get your MMC then u can legally grow 12 plants...6 mature blah blah etc.... but how does someone go about becoming a grower that can grow more than 12 plants legally and supplies a dispensary on a regular basis???


Well-Known Member
They have to do so illegally in almost all states except perhaps california.

First thing you do is become a caregiver for however many patients your state allows. Here that's four people, so that is 24 mature plants legally, but if you really want to grow to sell the right way is SOG with hundreds of small plants and you are talking felony.

And it never hurts to know the right people


Well-Known Member
Michigan has the laws so that you can have 12 plants per patient but each caregiver can have 5 patients. Thats a total of 60 plants for the grower.


Well-Known Member
Oh man I wish we had those limits here, my garage would look a lot different and I wouldn't be so damn broke. :)

How many ounces can you travel with and how many pounds are you allowed to have? Ours is a pound or some super low amount, I don't recall..


Well-Known Member
You can have 2.5 ounces on you to give to a patient. But they dont let us have alot in storage.

I think its gonna change tho.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
so basically u just have to become a caregiver so that u can grow more plants and justify it by saying its for 4 people?and wut about the big growers that sell alot to the dispensarys? and while im on the subject i also have a scenerio and question: say ur growing a lot of plants outdoor...and the neighboors could possibly see them without too much difficulty,(theoretically as a caregiver) would this be a good idea? ive grown a couple plants outdoors at the same time and the neighboors could see them if they looked out their window...but i had no trouble from police or any others...but now im going to be growing 12 at once and im wondering if that would be the limit and start attracting negative attention..


Well-Known Member
It's illegal to grow outdoors here, probably everywhere. It has to be indoors under lock.

I don't get how you can legally have 60 plants but not be able to legally have the yield from it. What are you supposed to do with the weed? 2.5 ounces that is just one small plant, so you must dispose of the yield from the other 59?

Or turn it all into 2.5 ounces of pure hash?


Well-Known Member
We are also required to grow in a "locked and enclosed facility"

They expect us to have no more on hand then we need to give to the patient, and the rest can be in flower.

These guidelines were just setup and iam hoping they will change it.

But a perpetual SOG op will work for now.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
i dont think its illegal to grow outdoors(with mmc) in cali bro...but correct me if im wrong cuz then ive been doin sum shit that coulda got me arrested.


Well-Known Member
Even though the "state legal climate" is conducive, do you ever, or worry about ever getting your plants ganked?


stays relevant.
You can grow outdoors in California if you are a patient, it has to be on your property, and you assume the risk of your neighbors and others being suspicious about it, or possibly stealing it.


Well-Known Member
Even though the "state legal climate" is conducive, do you ever, or worry about ever getting your plants ganked?
Sure, the don't tell anyone rule still apllies except for within the circle of people who all grow medically.

Not something I talk about with just anyone in general conversation.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
no i do not tell those who do not need to know that i am growing and i do not worry about getting my crop stolen, but only in my house is kinda high up on a hill sorta in the cut, so i know when anyone is in my yard or property...only the neighbors can see really...but idc about them...