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Active Member
was introduced by jose (D), OFF NY. to remove 22nd amendment, to allow unlimited terms as president. cool! just like fidel castro!! by by america, thankyou, all the fools who re elected this communist. he is also helping the muslim brotherhood. lots is happening fast. why you think the anti gun bullshit is hitting so hard? so we cant stop shit!! so, for all those out there, that love free stuff. free living. now you see the trap. the more they do for us, the more then can DO TO US. check it out. we need to lock en load.


Well-Known Member
Yeah so bigoted that i let my HIV positive gay brother stay for free.

Yeah that's me asshole.
oh, so you meant "cum guzzler" in a positive fashion. i get it.

do you also have a black friend, thereby rendering you immune to being racist?

god damn they make them dumb in the south. if only you guys would stop having sex with your siblings.