Looking to test some things out on some mystery seeds i planted (help/opinions plz)


Active Member
Ok. So after harvesting my other mystery plant and a purple wreck (and getting 3oz even dry...this includes the samples i took from the plants before they finished) i've decided i need to step it up here. im not too happy with 2 plants getting 3 oz total (the mystery plant was 3 ft tall and the purple wreck was 2 ft under 600w of hps lighting)...

i want a bigger harvest. i know everyone says it but yesterday i planted two mystery seeds (im not sure what strain is the male half of the mystery seed but i know the female half is a sativa).

(i concluded some asshole let a male into their garden within half a mile of my grow because i checked and no plants went hermie during the grow)...so i am kinda excited to see what it makes once it grows.

im looking for opinions on what techniques one can test out on these mystery seeds (before trying them out on my real grows under a hps)...these babies are in 1 gallon containers under cfls (and possibly getting some light from my hps as well)

so what methods or even nutes can i use to raise my harvests?

currently i used fox farm ocean forest soil...and unless someone gives me a better idea im going to be using the fox farm line of nutes.

i havent attempted much in terms of advanced growing techniques (never topped, etc.) maybe some co2? how expensive is co2 to keep in a grow?

anyway i was looking for proven ways of increasing yeild. im allowing my plants to be the lab rats...

so what techniques do you guys suggest? i will try anything once.

let me know please.
i would try FIMming it and then bending it, or LST'ing it. also, the longer you can let it stay in veg the larger the plant AND yield will be.
oh.. and ive read using molassas during flower increases yields/density by 20%, and you can use it WHILE you flush! its really old news, but it may help you.


Active Member
thanks i've done some reading on all that you've mentioned...never tried any of them so far...im not a rookie (this isnt my FIRST grow) but im not a pro either...still learning here...

im going to have to research it a little more (i dont wanna make any mistakes).

thank you very much.

how much molassas? can you hurt the plants if the recieve too much? (doesnt know the proper doseage)