Lower fan leaf spots, is it septoria?

Hi guys,

This is my first grow...

I treated them during vegetation stage for fungus and insects (potassium bicarbonate, hydrogen peroxide, cayene pepper, diatomaceous earth)

But right now at week 4 of flowering the lower fan leaves (which I should have trimmed during veg, my mistake) have some yellowish and brown spots + the plants affected seem to be drinking more water than the others

My humidity is steady at 40% whilst temperature is at 23c during the day and 19 at night, I cleaned my tent with bleach before use. Other than not trimming the bottom, I have no idea what could have caused this...

I have done some research, it seems to look like septoria (I dunno) but wanted to confirm this with other experienced growers

Youtube video (sorry, I can’t post links):

Is it?

And if so, next time can I simply trim the bottom completely during veg to avoid this issue or is there a better alternative..?

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3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
I don't have a good enough connection to play vids. Takes long enough to load the damn page lol.

I'm sure someone that can watch will help you out in a bit. Good luck.