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Well-Known Member
Drivers caught smoking pot in vehicles will be subject to a fine of $300
CBC News · Posted: Jul 04, 2018 9:54 AM CT | Last Updated: an hour ago

A budtender displays cannabis for sale at a dispensary. Recreational use of marijuana remains illegal in Canada. But that will change soon.(CBC)
The Saskatchewan government on Wednesday unveiled its fine structure around the sale and use of recreational marijuana, which will soon be legal.

"These new regulations that apply to cannabis are similar to current rules regarding alcohol," the government said in a news release.

The fines will range from $200 to $2,250.

The fines include:

  • A $200 ticket for smoking in public or in a campground where there's a cannabis prohibition. The same fine applies for possessing or sharing more than 30 grams of dried pot in a public place.
  • It's a $300 fine if you're a minor caught buying, using or sharing pot. The same amount applies if you're caught sharing or smoking in a vehicle.
  • It's a $750 fine for anyone caught selling or giving cannabis to a minor.
  • The stiffest fine, $2,250, is for people in licensed outlets caught selling to a minor, or not demanding proof of age.
The government says the fines will not kick in until the provincial act comes into effect this fall.

Until then, the recreational use of cannabis remains illegal.

Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority said it's beefing up staff on the enforcement side to deal with legalized pot.

New positions include a branch director, manager, four cannabis inspectors, four licensing specialists, a policy analyst, a financial analyst and part-time administrative support.

The positions are mix of permanent and two-year contracts.


Well-Known Member
EVERYONE needs to get a Dr. script and go the medical route. They can't stop me from medicating in public or in my home. And campgrounds? Isn't that a big part of camping for many, along with excessive drinking? I've never been disturbed or inconvenienced by someone blazing a joint in the campsite beside me, but I've gotten into fist fights with drunks. I guess the private campgrounds will get some new business.


Well-Known Member
Booze can ruin most camping experiences and even when the provincial parks have a no booze ban in effect you will see people still brown bagging their stash
Which is not a problem until someone gets completly wasted
And starts trouble.
I have had drunks try and rat me out for medicating while camping because they smelled cannabis burning. So in turn once I have to talk to a park ranger to explain I'm medicating and not partying that's when I will also tell them where the narcs booze stash is at.
Bottom line the boozers loose it and get ejected from the park and seem completely dumbfounded as to why .Its also those same types who try and do damage to the park in retaliation or pick a fight with you like Chris mentioned
Best play is to sit real close to your campfire and blow your smoke into the campfire to mix it with the wood smoke .