Making pure Delta9-THC oil


Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure what your talking about? Think I missed something....anyway no offense but I would never take chem advice from anyone here I have a fairly good handle... It is a lot of work, I wouldn't do it on good bud but I get a lb of Reggie for 400..kinda nasty so might as well turn it into good hash


Well-Known Member
It's a good thing your not taking what he posted seriously. Always better to do your own research from factual/reputable sources. + I was talking about the creator of this thread^


Well-Known Member
I would want to see accurate+credible testing done on the product before ingestion especially when using chemicals to produce/extract.
Bubble/Dry sift hash has always been strong enough for me.


Well-Known Member
Well.. In my mind there are no impurities, I use a qwiso then winterize the etoh wash also gets rid of any residual solvent like isopropanol or hexane. If anything there is residual etoh (but its been boiled off) the hash then is clean and perfectly safe for ingestion.. The same goes for isomerizing and acetylizing your hash