Man I feel like I need to grrow up.


New Member
To get back to the subject. You just gotta smoke in moderation. You gotta learn how much u can smoke and still keep ur life goin and ur studies and everything. If I smoke too much I dont feel right and I dont feel like doing anything. Like a week ago I got high 3 times a day for 2 days, and I started feelin like burnt out and I didnt feel like doing shit. After I stayed high for all that time, when i got a little sober I was like, damn my life is fucked up. Also u cant go too long without smokin either. I went 4 months without smokin earlier this year, and the last 2 months was 1 of the worst times of my life becuz of all the anxiety and other stuff. When I smoke in moderation I work better, feel better, be more social, and do everything better. Moderation for me is like a blunt every other day, u just gotta figure out whats right for u.