Maryland Medical Marijuana


Yeah I looked in to maryland and seems a bad idea to move there might just have to consider moving to a state out west. I 'm sure it is hard to find work though in some of the more popular medical states such as CA or CO. I just want to grow some medicine without fear of going to jail. IS THIS TO MUCH TO


Well-Known Member
I've been in maryland all my life.. They will never make marijuana legal here even for med patients. and i don't know if its because i'm black but i got caught with a half oz and MY REGISTERED handgun in my car and they considered that drug trafficking.. quarter million for bail (it was my first and only time ever being arrested i was 25) had to plea guilty and take 3 yrs probation. your best bet is to keep your fingers cross and hopefully DC come through with their promises and then move there if not do what i do grow indoor and save as much money you can and hopefully be able to move to cali and smoke and grow in peace.