Million Women Rise


Well-Known Member
for reproductive rights this Saturday, October 2, 2021.

we're coming to party with any friends on the Right who'd like to show.
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Well-Known Member
Hey baby...want nothing but orgasm free missionary sex for the next 50 years. Yeah you do.

(Republican pickup lines)
Or as Sen. Lindsey Graham would say, that less than honorable f@g from S. Carolina who definitely/more than likely, thought/has said to more than a few Congressional pages over the years, most probably named Bruce or Larry :)
(I hate that motherfucker/why is he elected/this is what SC represents?)
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Well-Known Member
Sotomayor tells law students: I can't change Texas abortion law, but you can
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor told an audience of law students on Wednesday that while her power to overturn a restrictive Texas abortion law is limited, the public wields the power to force change, CNN reported.

The Texas abortion legislation, which took effect about a month ago, banned almost all abortions when a fetal heartbeat is detected, or about six weeks into a woman’s pregnancy. In a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court refused to block the new law from being enacted, but did not decide on its constitutionality.

"You know, I can't change Texas' law," Sotomayor said. "But you can and everyone else who may or may not like it can go out there and be lobbying forces in changing laws that you don't like."

Sotomayor, who has been a vigorous voice of dissent on the conservative majority court, was speaking at an event hosted by the American Bar Association (ABA).

In a dissenting opinion on the Texas law, Sotomayor said her colleagues who declined to block the "clearly unconstitutional" law "have opted to bury their heads in the sand."

Speaking to the law students, Sotomayor noted that she wasn't supposed to be speaking about a case currently before the court.

"But my point is that there are going to be a lot of things you don't like," and the public can effect change, she said.

The Supreme Court is set to start a new term next week, during which it will hear a Mississippi abortion case that could end Roe V. Wade, as well as a second amendment case that could invalidate many gun restrictions in the U.S.


Well-Known Member
Was it as massive as the crowd at trumps inauguration? He had twice as many people as Obama. Alternative facts are still facts.
Alternative facts. What an evil bit of propaganda that was.

My favorite RIU quote:

A fact doesn't have to be true for it to be believed

We are segregating our society according to belief. A whopping large minority don't need facts to justify their belief. Their leader tells them what to believe. This is at the center of all the division we see right now.