Mites Or Not


Active Member
i have what might be mites but there on the top of the leaves and are very visiable they are a yellow color and the web is also on the top of the leaves are these mites


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. Since this is August 1st and you joined in August, I assume this is your first day.
What is it you are trying to accomplish?? Help in identifying the pests?? Or help in getting rid of them??
You see, it doesn't matter what they are, if they are spinning webs on your plants, they are setting up a home and raising a family. IF, you want to get any yield, better tear the house down. Any insecticide with neem oil, a common ingredient, will help. Or you can buy the neem oil and some liquid dish soap. Mix 1 oz of neem, one oz of dish soap with a gallon of water. Mix and mist the plants with which ever one you choose. Do it again in 3 or 4 days, then weekly for maintanance.
As far as the full size spiders go, why are they in your cloning machine? They only spin webs where there is food to catch. Maybe you have a problem there as well? Just a thought. VV